Louisiana Law Review

from July 2000
Last Number: October 2020

Paul M. Hebert LSU Law Center
ISSN 0024-6859

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 740

October 01, 2002

  • Holmes and Honors Law at LSU-From the Great Hall to La Maison Française

  • Book Review-Mixed Jurisdictions Worldwide: The Third Legal Family

  • The Single Business Enterprise Theory of Louisiana s First Circuit: An Erroneous Application of Traditional Veil- Piercing

  • Don t Fence Me In: Louisiana s Fourth Circuit Expands

  • A Constitutional Chaos and A Call for Help: The Chiaroscuro Backdrop of Johnson v. Board of Regents of the University of Georgia

  • Rideau v. Whitley: Lack of Evidence or Lack of Understanding?

  • January 01, 2003

  • Green Business: Should We Revoke Corporate Charters for Environmental Violations?

  • The Last One Hundred Years: The Incredible Retreat of Law from the Regulation of Marriage

  • Immunity v. Universal Jurisdiction: The Yerodia Ndombasi Decision of the International Court of Justice

  • Abandonment: An Evolving Concept of Liberative Prescription

  • Loosening the Wrapper on the Sandwich Generation: Private Compensation for Family Caregivers

  • Speed Bump on the Information Superhighway: Slowing Transmission of Digital Works to Protect Copyright Owners

  • Bujol v. Entergy and The Good Samaritan Doctrine: Workers Compensation and Safety Regulations, Who Needs Them?

  • Bowen v. Amoco: Contracting for Expanded Judicial Review under the Federal Arbitration Act

  • Washington Legal Foundation v. Legal Foundation of Washington:

  • Paralyzing Discord: Workplace Safety, Paternalism, and the Accommodation of Biological Variance in the Americans with Disabilities Act

  • Is Anyone Listening to Me?: Bartnicki v. Vopper

  • April 01, 2003

  • Foreword: Is Civil Rights Law Dead?

  • Discrimination and Dignity

  • Why the University of Michigan Should Win in Grutter and Gratz

  • Affirmative Action After Grutter: Reflections on a Tortured Death, Imagining a Humanity-Affirming Reincarnation

  • Civil Rights in the Post 911 World: Critical Race Praxis, Coalition Building, and the War on Terrorism

  • The Struggle for Civil Rights: The Need for, and Impediments to, Political Coalitions Among and Within Minority Groups

  • The Activist Insecurity and the Demise of Civil Rights Law

  • Comparative Judging of Civil Rights: A Transnational Critical Race Theory Approach

  • Louisiana Associated General Contractors: A Case Study in the Failure of a State Equality Guarantee to Further the Transformative Vision of Civil Rights

  • Shedding Tiers "Above and Beyond" the Federal Floor: Loving State Constitutional Equality Rights to Death in Louisiana

  • July 01, 2003

  • The Interrelationship Between Common Law and Civil Law

  • Convergence of Political Systems

  • Successions of States: The French Approach

  • The Principle of Juridical Certainty and the Discontinuity of Law

  • Discontinuity of Law and Legal Security

  • Mixed Jurisdictions: A Model for the XXIst Century?

  • Capitant Lecture

  • The French Connection and The Spanish Perception: Historical Debates and Contemporary Evaluation of French Influence on Louisiana Civil Law

  • The Louisiana Judicial System and the Fusion of Cultures

  • Bijuralism as an Assimilation Tool: Lord Durham s Assessment of the Louisiana Legal System

  • The Changing Concept of Family and its Effect on Louisiana Succession Law

  • State Succession, Then and Now, With Special Reference to the Louisiana Purchase (1803)

  • The Pedagogical Code

  • Vattel s Doctrine on Territory Transfers in International Law and the Cession of Louisiana to the United States of America

  • On the Principle of Legal Certainty in the Louisiana Civil Law Tradition: From the Manifesto to the Great Repealing Act and Beyond

  • The Continuing Influence of le Droit Civil and el Derecho Civil in the Private Law of Louisiana

  • October 01, 2001

  • Dedication of Louisiana Law Review, Volume 62, Issue 1, to Professor Lee Hargrave

  • The State Of State Constitutions

  • Challenges Facing State Constitutions in the Twenty- First Century

  • Creating and Organizing CC 73

  • CC 73 and the Birth of the Modern Louisiana Two- Party System

  • Executive Clemency, First-Offender Pardons; Automatic Restoration Of Rights

  • Judicial Power and the Administrative State