Louisiana Law Review

from July 2000
Last Number: October 2020

Paul M. Hebert LSU Law Center
ISSN 0024-6859

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 740

July 01, 2004

  • Detaining Combatants by Law or by Order? The Rule of Lawmaking in the War on Terrorists

  • The Smallpox Vaccination Campaign of 2003: Why Did It Fail and What Are the Lessons for Bioterrorism Preparedness?

  • Too Strange to be Just Fiction: Legal Lessons from a Bioterrorist Simulation, the Case of TOPOFF 2

  • April 01, 2004

  • Marry Me, Bill: Should Cohabitation Be the (Legal) Default Option?

  • October 01, 2004

  • Fifty Conflict of Laws

  • Freethought Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia v. Chester County: The Desirability of a De Minimis Exception to the Supreme Courts Establishment Clause Jurisprudence

  • A Reason to Discriminate: Curtailing the Use of Title VII Analysis in Claims Arising Under the ADEA

  • Unsettling Efficiency: When Non-Class Aggregation of Mass Torts Creates Second-Class Settlements

  • Atkins v. Virginia: How Flawed Conclusions Convert Good Intentions Into Bad Law

  • April 01, 2004

  • The Gay Man and His Civil Code

  • Error-Centricity, Habeas Corpus, and The Rule of Law as The Law of Rulings

  • October 01, 2004

  • Civil Rights and the

  • April 01, 2004

  • Rights and Remedies

  • January 01, 2005

  • Contemplating a Civil Law Paradigm for a Future International Commercial Code

  • April 01, 2004

  • Bones of Contention: A Comparative Examination of Law Governing Human Remains from Archaeological Contexts in Formerly Colonial Countries

  • January 01, 2005

  • Lawyer Ethics Reform in Perspective: A Look at the Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct Before and After Ethics 2000

  • To Stop and Presume: Balancing a Per Se Right to Frisk Suspected Narcotics Traffickers on the Fourth Amendment Scales

  • Smith v. Lasers: The Louisiana Supreme Court Adjusts a Legislative Miscalculation

  • Production in

  • Achieving the Proper Remedy for a Dissenting Shareholder in Todays Economy: Yuspeh v. Koch

  • Covenant Marriage Seven Years Later: Its as Yet Unfulfilled Promise

  • The Sources of Law and the Value of Precedent: A Comparative and Empirical Study of a Civil Law State in a Common Law Nation

  • Intercontinental Identity: The Right to the Identity in the Louisiana Civil Code

  • July 01, 2005

  • Introduction

  • The Legal Definition of Parenthood: Uncertainty at the Core of Family Identity

  • Does Parental Autonomy Require Equal Custody at Divorce

  • Differentiating Types of Domestic Violence: Implications for Child Custody

  • Rhetoric, Divorce and International Human Rights: The Limits of Divorce Reform for the Protection of Children

  • Collaborative Practice: A New Opportunity to Address Childrens Best Interest in Divorce

  • Will Changing the Process Change the Outcome? The Relationship between Procedural and Systemic Change

  • Measuring Up? The Relationship Between Correlates of Childrens Adjustment and Both Family Law and Policy in England

  • Giving Children a Right to Be Heard: Suggested Reforms to Provide Louisiana Children a Voice in Child Custody Disputes

  • April 01, 2004

  • We Didn t Start the Fire: The Origins Science Battle Rages on More Than 75 Years After Scopes

  • A Matter of Life And Death: Posthumous Conception

  • No Longer the Ugly Duckling: The European Court of Human Rights Recognizes Transsexual Civil Rights in Goodwin v. United Kingdom and Sets the Tone for Future United States Reform

  • Jurisprudence Désorientée: The Louisiana Supreme Court s Theory of Jurisprudential Valuation, Doerr v. Mobil Oil and Louisiana Electorate of Gays and Lesbians v. State

  • The Louisiana Legislature s Response to SWAT 24 Shreveport Bossier, Inc. v. Bond: The Noncompete Pendulum Swings Toward Debt Peonage. Will the Judiciary s Answer Achieve the Fragile Employer-Employee Balance?

  • April 01, 2005

  • Criminalizing Endangerment

  • Criminalizing Endangerment-A Comment

  • Criminalizing Endangerment: A Response to Marcelo Ferrante's Comment

  • The Distinctiveness of Domestic Abuse: A Freedom Based Account

  • Avenal v. State: Takings and Damagings in Louisiana

  • Glossae on the new law of marital donations

  • Lost Causes

  • On Being Knighted by the Louisiana Bar Foundation: Distinguished Professor 2004

  • Getting a Second Chance: The Need for Tax Court Jurisdiction Over IRS Denials of Relief Under Section 66

  • A Catalyst in the Cotton: The Proper Allocation of the Goodwill of Closely Held Businesses and Professional Practices in Dissolution of Marriages

  • Life After Fior D'Italia: A New Proposal

  • October 01, 2002

  • The Louisiana Civil Law Tradition: Archaic or Prophetic in the Twenty-First Century?

  • Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act [U.C.I.T.A.]: The Consumer s Perspective