HR Specialist: Employment Law

COPYRIGHT TV Trade Media, Inc.
COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from July 2010
Last Number: October 2023

Business Management Daily, a division of Capitol Information Group
ISSN 1934-1652

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1240

December 01, 2021

  • Legal Briefs.

  • Prepare for the coming wave of union activity, fueled by social media.

  • T.E.A.M. approach: Your best defense against a union bid.

  • In The News...

  • EEOC clarifies how to handle religious-based requests for exemptions to vaccine mandates.

  • WHAT I WOULDN'T DO: Legal Updates from HR's Trenches.

  • The HR I.Q. Test.

  • FAQs on the ETS: What OSHA's vaccine mandate means to you.

  • The Mailbag.

  • January 01, 2022

  • Federal vaccine mandates in limbo; courts to decide.

  • LEAP is back in Las Vegas; come join us March 16-18.

  • EEOC warns of rise in pandemic retaliation.

  • Employers moving ahead with vax mandates.

  • New EEOC guidance clarifies when COVID is (and isn't) an ADA-qualifying disability.

  • Must you give employees a reason when you terminate them?

  • When can FMLA be taken for care of sibling?

  • Exempt or not? Train execs on classifications.

  • Customer preference can't be reason for bias.

  • Avoid constant questions about workers' retirement.

  • Hold it! Don't prevent extra bathroom breaks.

  • Wardrobe malfunction: Ban on religious attire costs $45k.

  • Busted! What's HR to do when an employee gets arrested?

  • New year brings new state employment laws.

  • Congress weighs ban on arbitration confidentiality.

  • 3 in 10 unvaxxed people would lie to keep their jobs.

  • Paid family leave passes House; fate in Senate cloudy.

  • Comp budgets on the rise, but still below inflation.

  • Did the pandemic help or hurt HR's reputation?

  • COVID consequences: The pandemic triggered many changes to HR costs, staffing and tech.

  • Start 2022 by checking in on employees' mental health.

  • The HR I.Q. Test.

  • How to get your employees to take compliance training seriously.

  • To make training stick, follow the 3 E's.

  • Is our weather delay/closing policy discriminatory?

  • February 01, 2022

  • In The News...

  • Supreme Court leaves vax choice to employers.

  • 1-9 document bias: Lessons from the Gap case.

  • While you investigate misconduct, should employee suspensions be paid or unpaid?

  • How to answer common questions during investigations.

  • Be sure to also document who you didn't hire.

  • A '100% healed' policy is 100% wrong.

  • The cost of an age-based layoff: $2.2 million.

  • Legal Briefs.

  • Creating your own COVID vaccine mandate: 9 steps to a legal and efficient policy.

  • Got 'Glassdoored'? 5 tips to legally respond to negative reviews about your company.

  • WHAT I WOULDN'T DO: Legal Updates from HR's Trenches: Lessons from America's worst employers of 2021.

  • FMLA serious health conditions: Who decides and how?

  • FMLA fraud: Beware these 3 main symptoms.

  • Tim Mailhag.

  • October 01, 2014

  • Employees can sue for illegal-- not unfair--actions.