Antitrust Magazine

from March 2020
Last Number: September 2023

American Bar Association
ISSN 0162-7996

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 152

June 01, 2023

  • Editor's Note

  • The Draft Merger Guidelines: Interpretive Guidance or Ideological Advocacy?

  • Merger Remedy Divestitures: the Agencies Zig and the Courts Zag

  • Enhancing Antitrust Analysis of Digital Platforms: What Can We Learn from Recent Economic Research?

  • The FTC's Punctuated Equilibrium

  • Broader Public Benefits in Mergers: An Australian Case Study

  • The Evolution of the Right to Repair

  • The FTC's 2022 Policy Statement Regarding the Scope of Unfair Methods of Competition Under Section 5 and its Potential Impact Upon Little FTC Acts

  • Antitrust and Pop Culture: The Sequel

  • March 01, 2023

  • Editor's Note

  • Roundtable Discussion on Women in Antitrust

  • Can Criminal Enforcement of Section 2 Be Held Void for Vagueness?

  • Why Economics Matters in Criminal Antitrust Cases

  • Greening Antitrust: The Dutch and EU Assessment of Sustainability Agreements

  • Revival of the Case-within-the-Case: The Importance of Patent Strength Considerations in Reverse-Payment Cases

  • The Proper Measure of Profits for Assessing Market Power

  • September 01, 2022

  • Editor's Note

  • Has Merger Enforcement Really Gone Soft? Probing the Foundations of the Antitrust Reform Narrative

  • Thou Art Weighed In The Balance-And Found Wanting? Evidence in Government Merger and Monopolization Litigation

  • Antitrust Concerns and Kanter's Cures

  • The Biden Executive Order on Competition in Agriculture: Progress and Prospects

  • Towards A Technological Overhaul of American Antitrust

  • The EU Digital Markets Act-A New Dawn for Digital Markets?

  • ABA Antitrust Law Section Council Highlights

  • Antitrust Law Section 2021-2022 Comments and Acknowledgments

  • June 01, 2022

  • Editor's Note

  • The Chair's Showcase: Can Antitrust Repair the World? Should it?

  • Antitrust Hot Tub: Is Consumer Welfare in Hot Water?

  • The Evolution of DOJ's Views on No-Poach Litigation

  • Antitrust and Labor Issues Around the World: A Comparative Analysis

  • A Really New Leniency Program: A Positive, Cooperative, and Enthusiastic Partnership for Effective Antitrust Enforcement

  • Criminal Enforcement of Section 2 of the Sherman Act

  • The Ongoing Tale of Two-Sided Markets

  • Ohio v. American Express: The Exception That Should Not Become a Rule

  • The FTC'S COPPA Conundrum: Ambiguities in the Rule and a Dearth of Authoritative Guidance Leave the Agency Vulnerable to Legal Challenges

  • Developments in Telephone Consumer Protection Act Law Following Duguid v. Facebook

  • March 01, 2022

  • Editor's Note: Antitrust Enforcement-Change and Reform

  • What Next for the Horizontal Merger Guidelines?

  • Antitrust Reform: A Litigation Perspective

  • Congressional Antitrust Bills Seek to Regulate a New Internet Era

  • Algorithmic Pricing in Horizontal Merger Review: An Initial Assessment

  • Preserving Potential Entry is not the Holy Grail in Vertical Merger Enforcement

  • The Google Shopping Judgment of the General Court of Justice of the European Union

  • Interview with Alejandra Palacios, Former Commissioner President of the Mexican Federal Competition Commission

  • A Pop Culture Guide to Antitrust

  • September 01, 2021

  • Editor's Note: Paradigms and Perspectives

  • Antitrust in Congress: Interview with Senator Amy Klobuchar

  • Economists Outside the Bubble: Antitrust Interview with Russ Roberts and Glen Weyl

  • The Contradictions of Antitrust Challenges to Platforms

  • Understanding the Economics of Platforms