Antitrust Magazine

from March 2020
Last Number: September 2023

American Bar Association
ISSN 0162-7996

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 152

September 01, 2020

  • Assessing Umbrella Pricing Incentives

  • Online Marketplaces and Vertical Integration- Prospects for Harm

  • Best Practices for Virtual Litigation

  • Aaron Director and the Origins of the Chicago School of Antitrust: Part II-Aaron Director: The Socrates of Hyde Park

  • ABA Antitrust Law Section Council Highlights

  • June 01, 2020

  • Editor's Note: Antitrust in a Time of Crisis

  • Necessity as the Mother of Invention? Streamlining the Evaluation of Competitor Collaborations

  • Deregulating Health Care in a Pandemic-and Beyond

  • The Distressed Business Standard in Times of Crisis

  • Review of Consummated Mergers: Are Changes in Store?

  • Antitrust in the Shadow of Market Disruptions

  • Ode to Virtual Litigation

  • Low Tide

  • Privacy and Data Use in U.S. Government Responses to COVID-19

  • A Perfect Storm: Health Care Consolidation and the Lack of Antitrust Enforcement

  • Reading the Signs: Evolving Antitrust Policy in Europe in Response to the Pandemic

  • Health Code and Digitalization of Antitrust Filings and Trials: China's Experiments in Coping with COVID-19

  • The Other Tech-Focused Initiative: The FTC's Expanding Consumer Protection Efforts Targeting E-Commerce

  • The Durability of the New Vertical Merger Guidelines

  • Philadelphia National Bank Meets Wireless Telecom: Overcoming the Structural Presumption in T-Mobile/Sprint

  • An Antitrust Roadmap for Private Equity Investment

  • The Antitrust of Dominant Hospital Systems: United States v. CMHA and UFCW v. Sutter Health

  • Aaron Director and the Origins of the Chicago School of Antitrust: Part I-Aaron Director: A Portrait of the Economist as a Young Man

  • March 01, 2020

  • Editor's Note: Getting Mergers Right

  • The Draft Vertical Merger Guidelines: A Modern Approach, But Gaps and Questions Remain

  • To Catch a Killer: Could Enhanced Premerger Screening for 'Killer Acquisitions' Hurt Competition?

  • The Potential Chilling Effects of Lowering Standards for Tech M&A Enforcement

  • The UK Competition and Markets Authority: Outlier or Canary in the Coal Mine?

  • Common Ownership and Its Competitive Impact: Is It Real and What's at Stake?

  • Risky Business: Applying the Failing Firm Defense in Private Equity Merger Reviews

  • Updating Retail Bank Merger Review for the Internet Age

  • Second Thoughts on Double Marginalization

  • Operating in a Black Box? A Comparative Assessment of Transparency Levels in Merger Control

  • Antitrust Covenants in the Spotlight Following Recent Failed Mergers

  • Interview with Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President and Commissioner for Competition, European Commission

  • The Warren Court: A Distant Mirror? Part III- 'So we beat on, boats against the current

  • March 01, 2021

  • The Future of Antitrust: Ideology, Alternative Facts, and the Rule of Law

  • Staples and Office Depot-Then, Again, and Forever?

  • 21st Century Top Ten List for Antitrust: Still Pragmatic and Forward Looking After All These Years

  • Roundtable: The Legacy of the Microsoft Case

  • The Case Against Google: Has the U.S. Department of Justice Become European?

  • Buckle Up: The Global Future of Antitrust Enforcement and Regulation

  • Rationalizing U.S. Standardization Policy: A Proposal for Institutional Reform

  • The Future of Economics in Merger Trials: Rumors of Its Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

  • Antitrust Cancel Culture: Do Economic Experts Really Cancel Each Other Out in Merger Litigation

  • Understanding the Econometric Tools of Antitrust-With No Math!

  • Fintech Developments and Antitrust Considerations in Payments

  • Apple's Mounting App Store Woes

  • When Silence Is Not Golden: Real World Implications of Non-Parties 'Taking the Fifth' in Civil Proceedings

  • Interview with Andrea Coscelli, Chief Executive of the UK Competition and Markets Authority