Albany Law Review

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from June 1996
Last Number: December 2023

Albany Law School
ISSN 0002-4678

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1331

September 22, 2008

  • Introduction.

  • Chief Judge Lawrence H. Cooke.

  • Judge Vito J. Titone.

  • Judge Francis Bergan.

  • Chief Judge John T. Loughran.

  • Chief Judge Cuthbert Pound.

  • Judge Matthew J. Jasen.

  • Judge Harold A. Stevens.

  • Educational issues and judicial oversight.

  • A modest proposal for advancing animal rights.

  • The development of independent New York constitutional jurisprudence in Chief Judge Kaye's judicial opinions: an empirical study.

  • We're from Vermont and we do what we want: a "re"-examination of the criminal jurisprudence of the Vermont Supreme Court.

  • State constitutional adjudication in a footnote? A critique of the Supreme Court of Louisiana's decision in State v. Kennedy.

  • The "silver platter" in the context of state constitutional adjudication.

  • Battling the threat: the successful prosecution of domestic violence after Davis v. Washington.

  • Throwing stones from within a glass house: why the procedural approach to confrontation fails to remedy the ills of the indicia of reliability test, and an argument for a balanced rule.

  • March 22, 2009

  • Our teacher and friend: David D. Siegel.

  • Opening remarks.

  • A tribute to David D. Siegel.

  • The king of New York practice.

  • The one and only.

  • The use of (section) 1983 as a remedy for violations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: why it is necessary and what it really means.

  • The good, the bad, and the future of Nicholson v. Scoppetta: an analysis of the effects and suggestions for further improvements.

  • The tri-chemical cocktail: serene brutality.

  • A "great" day for academic freedom: the threat posed to academic freedom by the Supreme Court's decision in Garcetti v. Ceballos.

  • June 22, 2009

  • Editor's foreword.

  • Rhode Island's unique constitutional history.

  • Breaking down barriers: the Goodridge decision and modern civil rights.

  • The evolution of state constitutional law in Connecticut.

  • My perspective on the recent New York death penalty cases.

  • Advancing the rule of law through judicial selection reform: is the New York Court of Appeals judicial selection process the least of our concerns in New York?

  • A strategy for judicial performance evaluation in New York.

  • Shipping up to Boston: the voting of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in nonunanimous criminal cases from 2001-2008.

  • Is the New York State Court of Appeals still "friendless?" An empirical study of amicus curiae participation.

  • The New York State Comptroller as sole trustee of the common retirement fund: a constitutional guarantee?

  • The convenience of the employer test: why we should reconsider the critique of New York's tax apportionment scheme.

  • To harm, to victimize, and to destroy: the ugly reason why the Chambers majority opinion was so right.

  • September 22, 2009

  • Legal autopsies: assessing the performance of judges and lawyers through the window of leading contract cases.

  • Annoyancetech vigilante torts and policy.

  • The extrapolation of defendants' liabilities under CPLR Article 16 where the plaintiff is contributorily negligent: an update toward resolving a perceived ambiguity of CPLR 1601.

  • CPLR 3211(a) (7): demurrer or merits-testing device?

  • Ethics of lawyer social networking.

  • To (b) or not to (b): is that the question? Twenty-first century Schizoid plans under section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code.

  • Big bad pharma: an ethical analysis of physician-directed and consumer-directed marketing tactics.

  • Playing the odds or playing God? Limiting parental ability to create disabled children through preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

  • A safe harbor for drugs made offshore: the Federal Circuit renders the Bolar Amendment available in [section] 337 actions in Amgen v. U.S. International Trade Commission.

  • December 22, 2009

  • Race: a legal, historical, scientific, and personal issue.

  • Colorblind diversity: the changing significance of "race" in the post-Bakke era.

  • La Migra in the mirror: immigration enforcement, racial profiling, and the psychology of one Mexican chasing after another.

  • Defining race: the Obama phenomenon and the Voting Rights Act.