Arkansas Ethics Advisory Opinions

from May 30, 1991
Last Document: August 19, 2022

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 232

June 13, 2005

  • 05-EC-010 Lobbying by Members of the General Assembly

  • February 20, 1998

  • 98-EC-002 Sources of Income

  • June 24, 1991

  • 91-EC-003 SFI - Reimbursement of Expenses

  • May 20, 2005

  • 05-EC-008 Registration and reporting by PACs and county political party committees

  • June 23, 2017

  • 17-EC-001 Prohibited Lobbyist Compensation

  • May 22, 1998

  • 98-EC-003 Income and Actual Expenses

  • March 16, 2001

  • 01-EC-002 Tokens of appreciation presented to public servants

  • April 30, 1992

  • 92-EC-008 Campaign Disclosure Reports

  • August 18, 2000

  • 00-EC-008 Receipt of monetary awards by teachers

  • February 18, 2005

  • 05-EC-002 Legislator participating in legislative process surrounding matter which may affect his or her financial status

  • June 20, 2008

  • 08-EC-006 Awards Presented to State Employees

  • November 20, 2020

  • 20-EC-001 Special State Employee Prohibited Conduct and Conflicts of Interest

  • August 21, 1997

  • 97-EC-012(B) County Political Committee Event

  • May 21, 1999

  • 99-EC-005 Act 553 of 1999

  • December 14, 2001

  • 01-EC-008 Restrictions Applicable to Members of State Boards

  • April 17, 1998

  • 98-EC-008 Raffle

  • April 16, 1999

  • 99-EC-003 Independent Expenditures

  • October 13, 2000

  • 00-EC-010 Exception to definition of gift for food, lodging and travel

  • May 16, 2008

  • 08-EC-004 Disclosure by legislators of sales of goods or services to state entities

  • August 22, 1991

  • 91-EC-007 Campaign Finance - Criminal Sanctions

  • September 16, 2005

  • 05-EC-013 State Employee Receiving Consulting Fee for Participation in Advisory Board Meeting

  • April 30, 1992

  • 92-EC-007 Personal Use of Campaign Funds

  • May 03, 1993

  • 93-EC-003 Campaign Debt Retirement

  • January 22, 1996

  • 96-EC-008 Campaign Debt Retirement

  • January 22, 1999

  • 99-EC-001 Governor's Inauguration

  • March 17, 2000

  • 00-EC-003 Receipt of Compensation by Members of General Assembly

  • July 22, 2005

  • 05-EC-011 State Employee Potential Conflict of Interest

  • June 18, 2010

  • 10-EC-002 Legal Defense Fund

  • January 16, 2004

  • 04-EC-001 Hiring of sister-in-law by judge

  • August 22, 1991

  • 91-EC-008 Special Event

  • August 17, 2001

  • 01-EC-005 Permissibility of member of state board accepting a position of employment in state government.

  • 01-EC-006 Receipt of non-money contributions by PAC to be used as golf tournament awards

  • May 19, 2000

  • 00-EC-005 Sale of season football tickets to public servants

  • November 18, 2005

  • 05-EC-015 Acceptance of contribution from out-of-state PAC which is not registered in Arkansas

  • June 20, 1996

  • 96-EC-006 County Political Committee Contributions

  • November 18, 2005

  • 05-EC-016 PAC registration and reporting requirements

  • November 19, 1992

  • 92-EC-023 Retaining Carryover Funds

  • April 17, 1998

  • 98-EC-007 Charitable Donation

  • October 19, 2018

  • 18-EC-002 Issue Speech

  • January 18, 2008

  • 08-EC-001 County contracting with employer of quorum court member

  • September 17, 1999

  • 99-EC-015 Providing Complimentary Registration and Booth Space

  • January 17, 2003

  • 03-EC-001 Filing of SFI by Members of Intermodal Facilities Board

  • July 14, 1997

  • 97-EC-007 Exploratory Committees

  • November 20, 1998

  • 98-EC-020 Inaugural Event

  • September 22, 2017

  • 17-EC-002 Training PAC Registration by making in-kind contribution to CPPC

  • January 21, 2000

  • 00-EC-001 Receipt of Outside Compensation by Coaches

  • September 18, 2009

  • 09-EC-003 Special Event Reporting

  • August 17, 2007

  • 07-EC-004 Decision Making by Members of State Boards/Commissions

  • October 19, 2007

  • 07-EC-005 Receipt of outside compensation by public servants

  • May 17, 2002

  • 02-EC-004 Use of "mailboxes" in courthouse for campaign purposes