Arkansas Ethics Advisory Opinions

from May 30, 1991
Last Document: August 19, 2022

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 232

December 17, 2004

  • 04-EC-006 School board member voting to hire brother

  • January 16, 2004

  • 04-EC-002 Filing of SFI by board of visitors

  • June 24, 2011

  • 11-EC-004 Receipt of Retirement Gifts by Public Servants

  • November 16, 2007

  • 07-EC-007 Awarding of longevity bonuses by members of legislative body

  • February 16, 2007

  • 07-EC-001 Transfer of Carryover Funds to Exploratory Committee

  • June 16, 2006

  • 06-EC-005 Guidance regarding paid political advertisements

  • June 13, 2005

  • 05-EC-009 Transfer of Funds from Federal Campaign to State Campaign

  • April 15, 2005

  • 05-EC-007 Filing of SFI by members of municipal and county boards and commissions

  • March 18, 2005

  • 05-EC-003 Dual Filing of SFI

  • February 21, 2003

  • 03-EC-002 Making of Contributions by PACs

  • November 16, 2001

  • 01-EC-007 Reporting of Campaign Contributions

  • May 19, 2000

  • 00-EC-006 ASEA state employee of the year award

  • June 25, 1991

  • 91-EC-006 SFI - Private Employment

  • March 19, 2010

  • 10-EC-001 Disposal of Campaign Funds by Withdrawn Candidate

  • October 19, 2018

  • 18-EC-003 Lobbyist Registration and Reporting

  • February 09, 1993

  • 93-EC-001 Contributions - When Prohibited

  • March 27, 1998

  • 98-EC-005 Carryover Funds Donations'

  • February 15, 2008

  • 08-EC-002 Filing of financial reports by persons engaging in express advocacy regarding a ballot measure

  • August 19, 2016

  • 16-EC-001 $10,000 / 2% test of Ark. Code Ann. §7-9-402(2)(B)

  • April 30, 1992

  • 92-EC-011 Campaign Reporting - Threshold

  • August 21, 1997

  • 97-EC-010 Public Appearances and Honoraria

  • October 19, 2007

  • 07-EC-006 Elected official receiving additional compensation from governmental entity served

  • January 21, 2000

  • 00-EC-002 City Court Judges

  • April 16, 2004

  • 04-EC-003 Voting on ordinance benefiting employer

  • January 21, 2011

  • 11-EC-002 Employment of Legislator in ADFA programs

  • October 15, 1991

  • 91-EC-011 PACs - Campaign Contributions

  • December 17, 1999

  • 99-EC-021 Oaklawn Season Passes

  • April 19, 2002

  • 02-EC-003 Filing of SFI by members of suburban improvement district

  • July 30, 1999

  • 99-EC-007 Analysis of Gift Prohibition Statute

  • May 16, 2008

  • 08-EC-005 Applicability of PAC registration and reporting requirements to entity soliciting fundsto make contributions to ballot and legislative question committees

  • April 01, 1997

  • 97-EC-003(B) Use Of Carryover And Surplus Funds

  • March 10, 1997

  • 97-EC-001 Contribution To Another's Campaign

  • April 16, 1999

  • 99-EC-004 Political Advertisement

  • July 17, 1998

  • 98-EC-014 Unopposed Candidate

  • December 15, 2000

  • 00-EC-014 Required Contents of a SFI

  • April 20, 2012

  • 12-EC-003 City Employment of Off-Duty Sheriff's Deputy

  • August 23, 2002

  • 02-EC-007 Expenses Reimbursable from Campaign Account

  • March 26, 1992

  • 92-EC-003 PACs - Monetary Limits

  • June 21, 2002

  • 02-EC-006 Trips and Entertainment Paid For By Nongovernmental Sources

  • August 03, 1994

  • 94-EC-002 Ballot Question Committees

  • April 01, 1997

  • 97-EC-003(C) Use Of Campaign Funds

  • January 20, 2012

  • 12-EC-002 Filing of SFI by Chair of Academic Department of University

  • July 13, 2012

  • 12-EC-004 Using Campaign Fund to Attend National Convention

  • March 12, 1996

  • 96-EC-001 Campaign Debt Retirement

  • October 17, 1997

  • 97-EC-016 Lobbying - Government Services

  • May 15, 2015

  • 15-EC-002 Waiver of Mandatory Seating Contributions and Sale of Parking Passes

  • August 27, 1999

  • 99-EC-011 Food & Lodging for Conference Attendants

  • September 20, 2013

  • 13-EC-002 Contributions to candidate from his or her corporation

  • September 17, 1999

  • 99-EC-014 ASU Legislative Day

  • June 25, 1991

  • 91-EC-005 Campaign Debt Retirement