Illinois Attorney General Opinions

from January 01, 1925
Last Document: October 17, 2023

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1387

January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1111. HIGHWAYS:Power of County to Impose Pee* for Disturbances to County Highways

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-448. COUKTZES:County Board Membership

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-031. COUNTIES:Authority of County Board to Abolish Tuberculosis Sanitarium and Sanitarium Board

  • January 01, 1991

  • IL Opinion 91-010. PUBLIC HEALTH: Regulation of State Univers Food Services by Departmen Public Health or Local He Departments

  • January 01, 1992

  • IL Opinion 92-027PENSIONS.. PENSIONS :Investments in "Participating" Mortgage-Backed Securities

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-548. CONSTITUTION: General Assembly Special Sessions

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1308. PEJSSXOMS:Whether Sheriffs and Deputies are "Policemen" for Purposes o£ Social Security Coverage

  • January 01, 6270

  • IL Opinion 190. 8-329. CRIMINAL LAW:Unlawful Use of Weapons.Honorable Herbert D. Brown Director, Department of Law Enforcement 103 State Armory Springfield, Illinois 62706

  • January 01, 2200

  • IL Opinion S-005. REVENUE:Application of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law to a Combined School District The Honorable Gary W. Pack State's Attorney, McHenry County 2200 North Seminary Avenue Woodstock, Illinois 60098

  • January 01, 1980

  • IL Opinion 80-024. MEETINGS:Open Meetings Act

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-680. CIYBTIES:County Boardchange) in conpositlon

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1077. GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS AND COHFLICT OF IMTERESTi Officers Required to Filo Statements of Economic Int

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-857. PEES AND SALARIES! Condensation of the County Board

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1137. OFFICERS : Pol lee Training Act -Training of Permanent Police Officers

  • IL Opinion S-1156. SCHOOLS ASD SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Withdrawal from Special Education Agreements

  • IL Opinion S-1124. MOTOR VEHICLESt Whether an Interstate Carrier Must Carry a Copy of its Interstate Registration

  • IL Opinion S-1054. MOTOR VEHICLES: Traffic Regulations Enacted By a Public Community College Board

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 96-021. COUNTIES:County Board's Authority to Control Equipment and Material Purchases of County Officers

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-923. AGROCI;TURE:Size of Containers

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1311. INTERCK3VERM2NTAL COOPERATION t Use of Regional Transportation Authority Funds to Aid Department of Revenue in Collecting Taxes for RTA

  • January 01, 1980

  • IL Opinion 80-025. TRAHSPOKTATION; Grants to the Bi-State Development Agency

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1265. CONSTITUTIONS: Application of the State Debt and Appropriation Provisions of the Constitution to the Proposed Deferred Compensation Plan

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 96-025. STATE MATTERS:Effect of the State Mandates Act on Counties' and Municipalities' Duty to Provide Mammogram Screening

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-401. EXACTIONS:County Board Elections

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-763. COUNTIES:Bond Forfeiture

  • January 01, 1980

  • IL Opinion S-1493. HOME RULE:Application of Home Rule Powers to the Escheat of Property

  • IL Opinion 80-038. COUNTIES:Public Building Commission

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion 8-1045. TAXATION: Homestead Exemption

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1284. CRIMINAL IAW: Sheriff's Duty to Accept Prisoners

  • January 01, 1979

  • IL Opinion S-1476. LABOR :Application of the Prevailing Wage Act and the Preference to Illinois Citizens Act to Projects Constructed Under The Industrial P. e venue Bond Act

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1144. COUNTIESt Special Service Area Tax

  • January 01, 2006

  • IL Opinion 06-002. PENSIONS: Felony Forfeiture of Pension Benefits

  • January 01, 1979

  • IL Opinion S-1436. COUNTIES:A County May License and Tax Jukeboxes

  • January 01, 1973

  • IL Opinion S-645. COURTS:Juvenile Proceedings-Restriction upon News Publications

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-049. PUBLIC HEALTH:Jurisdiction of County Health Department Over School Cafeterias

  • January 01, 1983

  • IL Opinion 83-018. PUBLIC RECORDS AND INFORMATION: School Student Records

  • January 01, 1985

  • IL Opinion .85-015. COMPATIBILITY: City Alderman and Park District President

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1400. REAL ESTATE: Subdivision Plats

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1148. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH: Consideration ot Vetoed Bills Burlog s Specie1 session Call by the Governor

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1312. GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS : Representation of Association in Contract Negotiations

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1126. CONSTITUTION: Authority of County Board to Great* Offices

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-405. HORSE RACING: Licensee Qualifications Applicability to Corporate Officers

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-048. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Distribution of Unclaimed Dividends

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1080. GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS: Employment of School Board Member's spouae As Teacher

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-045. REVENUE :Proper Distribution, by County of Funds Received From the Personal Property Replacement Tax

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-995. COUNTIES:Duty of State's Attorney When County Board Leases Public Property Private Purpose

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1335. MENTAL HEALTH:Power of County Board to Alter Community Mental Health Board's Proposed Budget

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1239. OFFICERS : (Coroners) May the coroner's Jury Make Recommendations

  • January 01, 1998

  • IL Opinion 98-020. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Small Estates Affidavits

  • January 01, 1991

  • IL Opinion 91-026. PENSIONS:Felony Conviction Arising Out Of or in Connection With Service as A Judge