Illinois Attorney General Opinions

from January 01, 1925
Last Document: October 17, 2023

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1387

  • IL Opinion 09-006. STATE MATTERS: Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation as a "State Agency" under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act

  • IL Opinion S-1448. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS:Power of School Board to Regulate Leaves or Absence Requested by Teacher-Legislators

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 95-004. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Reconsideration of Consolidation of Educational Service Region


  • IL Opinion S-971. TAXATION:Exemption for Nursing Home

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1238. HOME RULE:Power of City of Chicago to License and Regulate Methadone Maintenance Clinics


  • IL Opinion S-987. OFFICERS:Common law Doctrine of Incompatibility Pertains to Offices Hot to Employees

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 96-038. PENSIONS:Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Contributions for County Agencies

  • January 01, 1985

  • IL Opinion 85-007. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: The Entry of Civil Capias Into LEADS


  • IL Opinion 98-016 FEES.. FEES:Change of Beneficiary of Structured Settlement

  • January 01, 1981

  • IL Opinion 81-024. STATE MATTERS:Authority of the Director of the Department of Insurance to Create an Entity Not a Fart of the Department of Insurance

  • January 01, 6103

  • IL Opinion S-369ELECTIONS.. ELECTIONS : Honorable F. Lawrence Lenz State's Attorney Stephenson County CourthouseFreeport, Illinois 61032

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1106. COHSTITUTIGKt Equal Protection

  • January 01, 1984

  • IL Opinion 84-010. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH: Rules of Procedure


  • IL Opinion S-1320. UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES: Authority of Board of Regents to Grant Sangamon State University Foundation an Interest in Rental Income from University Property

  • January 01, 1979

  • IL Opinion S-1439. OFFICERS:Deposit or Investment of Funds of Unknown Owners by County Treasurer


  • IL Opinion S-349. CRIMINAL LAW:Civil Rights ArticlePublic Accommodations

  • IL Opinion S-451. ELECTIONS:Voting Residence Requirements

  • IL Opinion 84-013. LABOR: Prevailing Wage Act - Application of The State Mandates Act to Repeal of Maintenance Work Exception

  • IL Opinion 93-012. COMPATIBILITY OF OFFICES: Library Board Trustee and School Board Member

  • January 01, 1983

  • IL Opinion 83-002. NATURAL RESOURCES: "Fire Watch" and Pre-Shift Examination of a Coal Mine


  • IL Opinion S-674. COUNTIES:Compatibility of Officers

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-026. ELECTIONS:Date of Election of Members of Board of Community Consolidated School District


  • IL Opinion S-959. OFFICERS :Liability for Slanderous Statements Made at open Meetings

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1324. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOERATION:Composition of Administrative Board T6 Operate County Airport Cooperatively Between county of Effingham and City of Effingham


  • IL Opinion S-772. STATE MATTERS: Whether a Deposit of state Fonda with a Bank or ether Financial Institution is a contract within the Meaning of the Fair Employment Practices Act

  • January 01, 1985

  • IL Opinion 85-025. JUDICIAL SYSTEM : Impact of Legislation Dividing a Judicial Circuit


  • IL Opinion S-1085. COUNTIES: Authority to Abolish the Deputy Sheriff Merit Catonission

  • IL Opinion S-1465. OFFICERS:Ccmnty Corrections Officers

  • IL Opinion S-801. COUBTXBS:Zoning within I 1/2 Miles of a City

  • January 01, 1992

  • IL Opinion 92-028. STATE MATTERS: Operation of a Bank in the State House


  • IL Opinion 96-001. COUNTIES:Authority to Require Building Permits for and Inspections of "Farm Residences" in Areas Zoned for Agricultural Uses or in Floodplains

  • January 01, 1981

  • IL Opinion 81-017. PUBLIC RECORDS AND INF0W5ATI0N: Disclosure of Confidential Information Concerning Juvenile Court Proceedings


  • IL Opinion S-543. CHILDREN:Fingerprinting - Paternity There is no authority, statutory or otherwise, that permits fingerprints and photographs to be taken of persons charged in a paternity, action.

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-782. BÖRSE RACING: Pari-mutuel Wagering at State Fairs

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 1996. FILE NO. 96-012UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES: Community College Board Vacancy

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-826. FEES AND SALARIES: Sheriff's Fee for Committing Prisoners to Jail'for committing each prisoner to jail, in each county, $2.00 payable out of county treasury, unless paid by the defendant.'

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-544. C08STITUTI0N: Fees and Salaries Per diets increase


  • IL Opinion S-1307. Authority of Board of Review to Alter an Assessment While Appeal to Property Tax Appeal Board is Pending and After a Decision on an Appeal Has Been Rendered

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1295. PENSIONS:Under Illinois Pension Code, Employees Paid With CETA Funds Must Participate in Retirement Systems.


  • IL Opinion 97-020. TOWNSHIPS:Severance Pay for Township Employees

  • IL Opinion S-009. GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Applicability of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act to Community College Districts

  • IL Opinion -328. COUNTY OFFFICERS: County Merit Commission for Deputy Sheriffs

  • IL Opinion 81-030. REVENUE:Applicability of Truth in Taxation Act to Debt Service Levies

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-907. Authority of the Department of Insurance to Prohibit Discrimination in Employment


  • IL Opinion 00-007. PUBLIC RECORDS AND INFORMATION: Intra-Agency Disclosure of Mental Health Records

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-047. MOTOR VEHICLES: Disposition of Bail Bond Forfeitures

  • January 01, 1973

  • IL Opinion S-550. CONSTITUTION: Governor's nomination and Senate confirmation Ethics Statements

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-799. COUHTIES:Obligation of County Board to Appoint a County Assessor from the List Certified by the Department of Local Government Affaire

  • January 01, 1991

  • IL Opinion 91-036. REVENUE:Withholding for Tax Protest Fund For Refunds Ordered by Property Tax Appeal Board

  • January 01, 1994

  • IL Opinion 94-009. PENSIONS:Optional Medicare Coverage for School Employees