Illinois Attorney General Opinions

from January 01, 1925
Last Document: October 17, 2023

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1387

January 01, 1980

  • IL Opinion S-1494. COMPATIBILITY OF OFFICES: Village Mayor and School Board Member


  • IL Opinion S-794. COUNTIES:County Treasurer and Forest Preserve District Treasurer-Statutory Limitations on Depos of County and Forest Preserve District Funds

  • IL Opinion 91-043. HIGHWAYS:Enforcement of Vehicle Code on Privately Maintained Roadways

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1277. COUNTIES :Dog Registration

  • January 01, 1985

  • IL Opinion 85-024. REVENUE:Requirements for Motor Fuel Tax Allocations for Park Districts Forest Preserve Districts, and Conservation Districts

  • January 01, 1999

  • IL Opinion 99-012. FEES :Use of Court Records Automation Fee

  • January 01, 1970

  • IL Opinion S-540. CONSTITUTIOH OF 1970: Effective date of legislation Public Act 77-1681 setting minimum salaries for teachers.


  • IL Opinion S--470. PUBLIC AssisimcE: GENERAL ASSISTANCE: Ownership of Kquipment Purchased in Part with State Fund.

  • IL Opinion S-1441. COUNTIES:Change in Compensation of County Board Members Elected to Fill Unexpired Terms

  • IL Opinion S-333. COUNTIES:Compatibility Of Offices Of Township Assessor And Deputy Sheriff

  • IL Opinion S-887. COUNTIES:Liability of County for Hospitalization Expenses of Parolee Injured by City Police men While Being Arrested for Commission of a New Offense

  • January 01, 1984

  • IL Opinion 84-004. PUBLIC HEALTH: Due Process Rights of Podiatrists Who Apply for Hospital Medical Staff Membership


  • IL Opinion S-591. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: Medical Assistance

  • IL Opinion S-293. COUNTY OFFICERS:Duties of Temporary Township Supervisor

  • IL Opinion S-004. CONSTITUTION: Government Salary Withholding Act

  • IL Opinion 80-037. MUNICIPALITIES:Use and Operation of aSnowmobile on a Roadway

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1280. CRIMINAL LaW AHD PROCEDURE; Full and Part Time Investigators Under Direct Control of the State's Attorney are not Exempt From Statutory Prohibition Against Carrying Concealed Firearms

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 96-031. REVENUE:Homestead Exemption for Leasehold


  • IL Opinion S-526. CONSTITUTION: Retention of judges

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-498. TAXATION AND REVENUE:Use Tax - Taxability of salas oftangible personal property fromout of state mail order corporatesubsidiary of foreign corporationmaintaining local sales office inIllinois.

  • January 01, 1979

  • IL Opinion S-1427. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: Special Purposes Trust Fund

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1339. TORT LIABILITY: Liability of a Governmental Entity to a Juvenil© Performing Publio Service Work As a Condition of Probation

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-937. CIVIL SERVICE:Political Contributions by City Officers and Employees

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-025. MOTOR VEHICLES: Duties of Circuit Clerks to Report Court Supervision Orders to the Secretary of State

  • IL Opinion 82-057. MOTOR VEHICLES: Implied Consent

  • January 01, 1993

  • IL Opinion 93-017. COMPATIBILITY OF OFFICES: Township Assessor and Deputy Supervisor of Assessments

  • January 01, 2003

  • IL Opinion S-006. MEETINGS:

  • January 01, 1986

  • IL Opinion 86-005. . INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION: Powers of Municipalities to Create and Use a Consolidated Bond Fund

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-820. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Tax For Fire Prevention and Safety Purposes


  • IL Opinion S-459. CONSTITUTION :Journal of the House and Senate Contente - Shortening

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 95-007. FEES :Fees to be Charged by Recorders for Non-Conforming Documents


  • IL Opinion 00-006. STATE MATTERS:

  • IL Opinion S-512. BANKS AND BANKING:"Loan Production Offices" asBranch Banks

  • IL Opinion S-1316. COUNTIES: Whether Separate County Funds May Be Combined for Investment Purposes.

  • IL Opinion 80-030. GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST: A Member of an Appointing Authority May Not Be Appointed to the Governing Board of the Jackson Union Counties Regional Port District

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-891. STATE MATTERS: Liability of State For Contracts and Torts of Area Agencies on Aging

  • January 01, 1971

  • IL Opinion S-361. ILLINOIS RACING BOARD:Requirements for race meeting license

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 95-016. REVENUE:Discharge of Tax Liability in Bankruptcy

  • January 01, 1972

  • IL Opinion S-497. SCHOOLS:Whether Superintendent of PubliC Instruction can appoint alternats to represent him on bodies of which he is an ex-officio member.


  • IL Opinion S-802. CORPORATIONS:Professional Service Corporations Legality of Dentista incorporating

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1075. COUNTIES: County Board Budget -Power of County Board to Limit State's Attorney's Budget


  • IL Opinion S-709. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Maximum Period of Expulsion

  • IL Opinion 86-003. PUBLIC HEALTH: "Power of Medical Center Commission to Approve Construction of Multipurpose Center for Elderly and Disable

  • IL Opinion S-1087. CRIMINAL LAM: Letter carrier or Postmaster Who Assumes Office of City Mayor la set Subject to Prosecution tinder Section 4-8-7 of Illinois Municipal Cods

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-021. sports and gaming:Illinois Lottery Law

  • IL Opinion 82-Ö51. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Application of Wastewater Land Treatment Site Regulation Act Disposal of Sludge in a Sanitary Landfill

  • January 01, 1984

  • IL Opinion 84-011. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: t'ower of the Industrial Commission to Delegate a Statutory Duty


  • IL Opinion S-735. ELECTXOHS:Special Elections Filling Vacancy in Office of the State's Attorney

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-910. CHILDREN: Juvenile Court Act;


  • IL Opinion S-279. OFFICERS:Director of the Department of Public Aid