Illinois Attorney General Opinions

from January 01, 1925
Last Document: October 17, 2023

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1387

  • IL Opinion S-579. HORSE RACING: Illinois Racing Board -Authority to Issue Free Passes

  • IL Opinion S-008. COUNTIES:At-Large Election of County Board Chairman

  • IL Opinion S-009. PUBLIC RECORDS: State Board of Elections' Voter Registration Database as a Public Record Exempt from Disclosure Under the Freedom of Information Act

  • IL Opinion S-1044. CONTIES: Sheriff

  • January 01, 1992

  • IL Opinion 92-004. ZONING:Game Breeding and Hunting Preserve Areas as an Agricultural Purpose


  • IL Opinion S-1359. STATE EMPLOYEES: Payment of the Prevailing Rate of Wages to University of Illinois Employees

  • IL Opinion S-1017. CONSTITUTION:Applicability of section 21 of Article V to Increase in Per Dien Compensation of State Police Merit Board

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82.056. BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: Additional Franchise Tax -Basis for Computation


  • IL Opinion S-1358. COMPENSATION:So Hearing Required Before Offsetting Fay Under State Comptroller Act

  • IL Opinion S-1350. OFFICERS;Duty of the Reeorder of Deeds Under the Plat Act

  • January 01, 2000

  • IL Opinion 95-015. FEES:Authority of Circuit Clerk to Collect Filing Fees from State University

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1046. COUNTIES: Power of County to Lease Property For Public Purposes

  • January 01, 6293

  • IL Opinion S-007. FEES:'State's Attorney's Entitlement to Conviction Fees Upon Disposition of Supervision The Honorable Charles L.P. Flynn State's Attorney, Pope County Post Office Box 689 Golconda, Illinois 62938

  • January 01, 1986

  • IL Opinion 86-006. ELECTIONS :Use of Voting Machines or Paper Ballots


  • IL Opinion 11-005. ZONING: Applicability of Municipal and County Zoning Ordinances to School Districts (December 23, 2011)

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion S-1071. REVSMUE : Collectibility of Delinquent Taxes.

  • January 01, 1991

  • IL Opinion 91-045. FINANCE:Investment Authority of State Treasurer


  • IL Opinion 96-010. FINANCE:Unclaimed Property Act and ERISA

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-691. COUSTIBS:Disposition of Excess Land

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-054. HOME RULE:Application of Local Records Act to Home Rule Units

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1264. REVENUE:Credit of Inheritance Proceeding Fee Against Inheritance Tax Due.


  • IL Opinion S-867. COUNTIEStRight of Individuale to Mechanically Record Proceedings of County, Boaro Meetings

  • January 01, 1973

  • IL Opinion S-586. HEALTH:Unsafe Buildings

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-990. LABOR:Agricultural Exemptions From The Workmen's Compensation Act

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1329. COUWPIES:Power of County Officers To Make Purchases

  • January 01, 1987

  • IL Opinion 87-002. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Powers of Local Governmental Law Enforcement Officers Training Board

  • January 01, 1984

  • IL Opinion 84-002. CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Conditions of Probation and Conditional Discharge MOTOR VEHICLES: Reports of Participation in Driver Remedial or Rehabilitative Program


  • IL Opinion 98-015. PENSIONS:Investment Limits in Public Act 90-507

  • IL Opinion 87-001. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Special Education Joint Agreement Cooperatives

  • January 01, 1967

  • IL Opinion 80-046. STATE EMPLOYEES: Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

  • January 01, 1979

  • IL Opinion S-1470. REVENUE :Application of Inheritance and Transfer Tax Law to Deferred Compensation Paid to Designated Beneficiaries

  • January 01, 1978

  • IL Opinion S-1368. OFFICERS:Powers of coroner


  • IL Opinion S-272. COUNTIES: Ambulance Service

  • January 01, 1975

  • IL Opinion S-861. FEES AND SALARIES: Changes in Salaries of Elected County Officials


  • IL Opinion 06-004. CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Provision of Field Notes to the Prosecuting Authority in Non-Homicide Felony Investigations

  • IL Opinion S-1431. FEES:Payment of Fines for Motor Vehicle Code Violations

  • January 01, 1980

  • IL Opinion 80-045. CRIMINAL LAW: Possession of Firearms

  • January 01, 1971

  • IL Opinion S-260. TAXATION: Personal Property Tax Exemption

  • January 01, 1976

  • IL Opinion 5-1090. MOTOR VESICLES < "Gooseneck" or "Fifth Wheeler" Trailer - Registration.

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1275PENSIONS.. PENSIONS:Status of Township Cemetery Board of Trustees as an Instrumentality for Social Security Coverage Purposes.

  • January 01, 1974

  • IL Opinion S-841. CRIMINAL LAW:Sentencing - Section 6-303, ch. 95 1/2 is Properly Classified as a Class A Misdemeanor Under Unified Code of Corrections.

  • July 13, 2021

  • AGO 21-002

  • January 01, 1977

  • IL Opinion S-1194. OFFICERS: Blanket Bond Requirements


  • IL Opinion S-909. VETERANS:Period of Tine Thata Veteran is Entitled toa Scholarship

  • IL Opinion S-516A. ELECTIONS: Abaosnt Votars -Federal voting Rights Act

  • January 01, 1985

  • IL Opinion 85-006. FINANCE:Duty of the State Treasurer to Act as Ex Officio Custodian of the Bond Proceeds of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority.

  • January 01, 1981

  • IL Opinion 81-039. STATE MATTERS:Authority of the Illinois LawEnforcement Commission to AwardFederally-Derived Funds to Subgrantees Absent Specific Appropriation from the General Assembly


  • IL Opinion S-1341. OFFICERS:The Authority of a County superintendent of Highways

  • IL Opinion 91-046. STATE MATTERS:Use of Appropriations for Pick Up of Employee Retirement Contributions

  • January 01, 1982

  • IL Opinion 82-042. LICENSED OCCUPATIONS: Theatrical Employment Agencies