Seattle Journal for Social Justice

Last Number: January 2023

Seattle University School of Law
ISSN 1544-1245

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 681

  • Introduction: Understanding Human Trafficking and Its Victims

  • The Road to H.b. 1175: Making Human Trafficking a Crime in the State of Washington, My Story

  • The Role of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in Contemporary Anti-human Trafficking Discourse

  • A "neo-abolitionist Trend" in Sub-saharan Africa? Regional Anti-trafficking Patterns and a Preliminary Legislative Taxonomy

  • The Southeast Asian Story and Its Forgotten "prisoners of Conscience": Some Proposed Measures to Combat Human Trafficking

  • Defining Child Trafficking and Child Prostitution: the Case of Thailand

  • Back to the Drawing Board: Rethinking Protections Available to Victims of Trafficking

  • Response

  • Killing Two Birds With One Stone: Implementing Land Reform and Combating Climate Change in Brazil's Amazon Under Law 11.952.09

  • Repair Versus Rejuvenation: the Condition of Vaginas as a Proxy for the Societal Status of Women

  • Supporting the Criminal Defense Bar's Compliance With Padilla: it Begins With Conversations

  • Repercusiones De Una Ciudad Llamada Juarez

  • One More Battleground: Domestic Violence, Child Custody, and the Batterers' Relentless Pursuit of Their Victims Through the Courts

  • Intimately Related to the Criminal Process: Examining the Consequences of a Conviction After Padilla v. Kentucky and State v. Sandoval

  • Reflections on a Civil Right to Counsel and Drawing Lines: When Does Access to Justice Mean Full Representation by Counsel, and When Might Less Assistance Suffice?

  • Introduction: Civil Legal Representation

  • The Impact of Counsel: an Analysis of Empirical Evidence

  • Intellectual Property Equality

  • Preempting Justice: "precrime" in Fiction and in Fact

  • Background Checks and Social Effects: Contemporary Residential Tenant-screening Problems in Washington State

  • Free Lolita! the Contradictory Legal Status of Seattle's Prostituted Youth

  • Sinking Nations and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

  • Introduction: Influential Voices

  • Let Freedom Ring in Post-olympics Beijing: Enforceability Strategies for China's National Human Rights Action Plan Found in the Intersections Between Asian History, Culture, and International Law

  • Economic and Other Benefits Associated With the Provision of Civil Legal Aid

  • Empowering Domestic Workers Through Law and Organizing Initiatives

  • Advancing the "right" to Counsel in Removal Proceedings

  • Language, Power, and Identity in the Workplace: Enforcement of 'english-only' Rules by Employers

  • Civil Right to Counsel: in Re Marriage of King and the Continuing Journey

  • In Re the Marriage Of: Michael Steven King, Respondent, v. Brenda Leone King, Appellant, and State of Washington, Involved Party

  • Teaching as a Form of Love

  • "practicing Medicine and Studying Law": How Medical Schools Used to Have the Same Problems We Do and What We Can Learn from Their Efforts to Solve Them

  • Engaging the Legal Academy in Disaster Response

  • "white Blouse"

  • Untitled

  • A File

  • Prosecution Benefits: a New Hope for Bridging the Patent Law Access Gap

  • Xin Fronteras (without Borders)

  • Can the Professor Come Out and Play?- Scholarship, Teaching, and Theories of Play

  • By Pure Force

  • Insecure Communities: Examining Local Government Participation in Us Immigration and Customs Enforcement's "secure Communities" Program

  • Sea Change: the Seismic Shift in the Legal Profession and How Legal Writing Professors Will Keep Legal Education Afloat in Its Wake

  • Academic Exploitation: the Adverse Impact of College Athletics on the Educational Success of Minority Student-athletes

  • The Uncertainties of Educating a Preschooler With Special Needs: Who Makes the Important Determinations? And, Who Should?

  • Tired of Talking: a Call for Clear Strategies for

  • Advising Clients to Commit War Crimes With Impunity: an Unethical Practice

  • Carrying a Piece of Congo in Our Pockets: Global Complicity to Congo's Sexual Violence and the Conflict Minerals Trade

  • Table of Contents - Issue 1

  • Table of Contents - Issue 1

  • Table of Contents - Issue 2