Seattle Journal for Social Justice

Last Number: January 2023

Seattle University School of Law
ISSN 1544-1245

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 681

  • An instrument at the forefront of social change

  • No shelter from the storm: Undocumented populations and federal disaster aid

  • Afterword: Change and Continuity: An introduction to the LatCrit Taskforce Recommendations

  • Guerrilla lawyering

  • About the Authors

  • Fifty years after Gideon

  • Can I call Kimura crazy?

  • Cranes in August

  • An ode to water

  • Seattle journal for social justice

  • Book Review

  • No man's land: Seattle, Washington

  • Gideon at fifty-golden anniversary or mid-life crisis

  • Civil liberties post-september 11

  • Race, poverty, the death penalty, and the responsibility of the legal profession

  • Awakening the law: A LatCritical perspective

  • In the pursuit of happiness: One lesbian couple's personal thoughts on marriage

  • Decriminalizing non-appearance in Washington State

  • Criminal records, collateral consequences, and employment: the FCRA and Title VII in discrimination against persons with criminal records

  • The progressive critique of the current socio-legal landscape: corporations and economic justice

  • Crim pro, rewired: why current police practices require candor in the classroom

  • Remembering justice in Rwanda

  • Equality lost in time and space: examining the race/class quandary with personal pedagogical lessons from a course, a film, a case, and an unfinished movement

  • Korematsu overruled? Far from it: The Supreme Court reloads the loaded weapon

  • Social care for caregivers: how Washington can guarantee unemployment insurance for working caregivers

  • Oklahoma's Health Education Act and the Benefit of Comprehensive Sex Education Curriculum

  • Lonely girl

  • Foreword: What's Next? Counter-stories and Theorizing Resistance

  • Stymieing controversy over generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and other internet governance decisions with content neutrality

  • The gender implications of corporate governance change

  • Three barriers to vsed by advance directive: a critical assessment

  • Self-determination, justice, and a 'peace process'

  • Fertile ground: universal birth control access for Washington state

  • Holy gender! promoting free exercise of gender by discernment without establishing binary sex or compulsory fluidity

  • Space, subordination, and political subjects

  • Legal financial obligations: fulfilling the promise of Gideon by reducing the burden

  • About the artist

  • The American Constitution in the Cycle of Kali Yuga

  • The reopening of United States v. Hirabayashi

  • The Nusseibeh-Ayalon Plan

  • Introduction

  • Financial aid and felonies: The exclusion of justice-involved individuals from federal student aid

  • An inconsistent invitation: Am I invited to be a party? How not affording party status to youth in Washington dependency hearings can be a violation of due process

  • Rebellious lawyering in the courts of the conqueror: the legacy of the hirabayashicoram nobis case

  • Exclusionary equality and the case for same-sex families

  • Worldviews, normative masculinity, and the invention of peace

  • Joaquin Avila: America at its best

  • Asserting tribal sovereignty over cultural property: moving towards protection of genetic material and indigenous knowledge

  • Introduction: Assimilation and/or Resistance?

  • The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) and the Federal Government's Shortcomings