Louisiana Session Laws

from January 01, 2010
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 9089

June 26, 2024

  • Act 734, HB 845 – PROCUREMENT: Provides relative to procurement of information technology

  • Act 554, HB 253 – FIRE PROTECT/FIREMEN: Provides relative to cancer screenings for certain firefighters and fire service employees

  • Act 704, HB 534 – MTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS: Provides relative to the booting of motor vehicles parked on private property

  • Act 573, HB 880 – MTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES: Provides with respect to the renewal of truck registrations

  • Act 680, HB 121 – EDUCATION: Provides relative to the use of certain names and pronouns for students

  • Act 566, HB 528 – VETERANS: Establishes the position of director of medical affairs of the Department of Veterans Affairs

  • Act 678, HB 97 – CRIME: Provides relative to the crime of solicitation on certain highways and streets

  • Act 544, HB 145 – INSURANCE/GROUP: Provides relative to group health insurance coverage for retired employees of the Sabine Parish District Attorney's Office

  • Act 695, HB 418 – TAX/SEVERANCE TAX: Reduces severance tax rates on oil and gas produced from inactive wells and orphan wells

  • Act 560, HB 416 – CRIMINAL/RECORDS: Provides relative to expungement of criminal records

  • Act 691, HB 372 – HEALTH CARE/PROVIDERS: Provides relative to patient wait time for the provision of emergency care

  • Act 570, HB 779 – CRIME/SEX OFFENSES: Provides relative to the definition of "commercial sexual activity" within the crime of trafficking of children for sexual purposes

  • Act 745, HB 872 – STUDENTS: Provides relative to behavioral health services for students

  • Act 569, HB 761 – TAX INCREMENT FINANCING: Authorizes certain municipalities to create tax increment financing districts

  • Act 720, HB 738 – SUNSET LAW: Re-creates the Department of Transportation and Development

  • Act 568, HB 716 – LICENSING: Provides for universal recognition of occupational licenses

  • Act 756, SB 40 – SEAFOOD: Provides relative to seafood safety

  • Act 556, HB 352 – EMPLOYMENT: Provides relative to the final payment after termination of employment

  • Act 739, HB 853 – HEALTH/LDH: Creates the office of surgeon general within the Louisiana Department of Health

  • Act 542, HB 127 – CRIMINAL/PENALTIES: Provides relative to the penalties for the crime of simple obstruction of a highway of commerce

  • Act 736, HB 848 – LIBRARIES: Provides relative to budgets adopted by library boards of control

  • Act 558, HB 407 – ANIMALS: Provides relative to support and service animals

  • Act 767, SB 421 – JUVENILE JUSTICE: Creates a renaissance district in certain parishes

  • Act 539, HB 103 – PUBLIC MEETINGS: Requires certain public bodies to broadcast meetings live via television or the internet

  • Act 764, SB 318 – CAPITAL OUTLAY: Provides relative to the capital outlay process

  • Act 541, HB 118 – LABOR/ARBITRATION: Provides relative to certain pre-dispute arbitration agreements in the workplace

  • Act 715, HB 644 – STUDENTS: Authorizes students enrolled in home study programs to participate in public school activities

  • Act 730, HB 827 – TAX/TAX REBATES: Provides relative to sales and use tax rebates on the sale of certain communications and data center equipment

  • Act 546, HB 172 – INSURANCE/GROUP-STATE: Provides relative to disclosure and remittance of revenues in excess of certain contractual amounts in certain circumstances for certain contractors with the state's Office of Group Benefits

  • Act 701, HB 506 – VOTING/REGISTRATION: Provides relative voter registration applications collected through registration drives

  • Act 746, HB 874 – CORRECTIONS: Provides relative to electronic monitoring

  • Act 578, HB 921 – TAX/AD VALOREM TAX: Limits the determination of fair market value of certain real property by an assessor under certain circumstances

  • Act 687, HB 326 – POLICE/STATE: Provides relative to occupational diseases for the division of state police

  • Act 744, HB 869 – HEALTH/SICKLE CELL ANEM: Requires continuing education for the treatment of sickle cell disease for physicians and physician assistants

  • Act 577, HB 913 – UTILITIES: Provides for transparency for utility bills

  • Act 713, HB 596 – LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Provides relative to the election of home rule charter commissions

  • Act 672, HB 13 – RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS: Provides relative to the board of trustees of the Firefighters' Retirement System

  • Act 572, HB 864 – COURTS: Provides relative to the drug division probation program

  • Act 714, HB 616 – INSURANCE/HEALTH: Provides relative to actuarial reviews of healthcare legislation

  • Act 677, HB 80 – MEDICAID: Authorizes transportation network companies to provide nonemergency medical transportation services through the state Medicaid program

  • Act 543, HB 137 – CHILDREN: Provides relative to the Children's Cabinet Advisory Board

  • Act 1, SB 313 – SCHOOLS: Creates the Louisiana Giving All True Opportunity to Rise (LA GATOR) Scholarship Program to provide educational savings accounts for parental choice in K-12 education

  • Act 703, HB 525 – SEWERAGE/N O WATER BD:Provides relative to billing for services by the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board

  • Act 689, HB 362 – EDUCATION/SPECIAL: Requires schools to provide information regarding tutorship to the parents of certain students at Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings

  • Act 579, HB 923 – MTR VEHICLE/DRIVER LIC: Provides relative to requirements for private training and driving instructor schools

  • Act 659, HB 708 – SCHOOLS/CHARTER: Removes requirements that charter schools meet a certain threshold with respect to the number of students with exceptionalities and economically disadvantaged students relative to its total student enrollment

  • Act 692, HB 374 – HEALTH CARE/FACILITIES: Provides relative to facility need review

  • Act 748, HB 883 – HEALTH CARE/FACILITIES: Allows the provision of data relative to sickle cell disease

  • Act 655, HB 566 – STATE EMPLOYEES: Provides for educational criteria for state employees

  • Act 684, HB 305 – COASTAL RES/COASTAL ZONE: Provides relative to the disposition of funds derived from alternative energy production in the coastal area