Louisiana Session Laws

from January 01, 2010
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 9089

June 13, 2024

  • Act 402, HB 760 – TRANSPORTATION: Provides relative to the Regional Transit Authority

  • Act 387, HB 634 – TAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL: Authorizes the governing authority of certain parishes to distribute sales and use tax revenue collected on the sale of admission tickets to certain events

  • Act 454, HB 842 – LIABILITY/CIVIL: Provides relative to civil liability protection for local governments concerning events on the Mississippi River levee

  • Act 413, HB 128 – WEAPONS/FIREARMS: Provides relative to possession of a firearm by a felon

  • Act 487, HB 658 – ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE: Provides relative to notifications prior to administrative revocation of a license

  • Act 340, SB 369 – INSURANCE COMMISSIONER: Provides venue options for insurance fraud and for the allocation of the insurance fraud assessment fund

  • Act 368, HB 143 – SCHOOLS/FINANCE-MFP: Authorizes the state superintendent to provide for a chief operating officer to make recommendations relative to the financial practices of local school systems failing to comply with the MFP's minimum instructional expenditure requirement

  • Act 327, SB 268 – TAX/TAXATION: Creates a state sales tax rebate for the purchase of equipment, machinery, and other items used in lithium recovery activities

  • Act 364, HB 78 – SCHOOLS/CHARTER: Authorizes initial proposals for charter schools with corporate partners to be made to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education as Type 2 charter school proposals

  • Act 441, HB 660 – FLOODING/CONTROL: Names the Lake Borgne Surge Barrier after President George W. Bush

  • Act 449, HB 795 – FUNDS/FUNDING: Provides for revenue reductions from free and discounted recreational hunting and fishing licenses

  • Act 414, HB 152 – DISTRICTS/ECONOMIC DEVEL: Provides relative to a Community Development District in St. Tammany Parish

  • Act 347, SB 406 – RETIREMENT BENEFITS: Removes the cap on the amount of any permanent benefit increase for recipients whose benefit is based on the record of someone who retired with at least 30 years of service credit

  • Act 356, SB 457 – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Provides for economic development districts in East Baton Rouge Parish

  • Act 369, HB 197 – SUNSET LAW: Provides relative to the re-creation of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

  • Act 440, HB 653 – AGRICULTURE: Creates the Louisiana Commemorative Pet Stamp Program

  • Act 467, HB 82 – CHIROPRACTORS: Provides relative to fees collected by the Louisiana Board of Chiropractic Examiners

  • Act 444, HB 687 – HEALTH: Provides relative to the licensing of "PACE" program providers

  • Act 366, HB 117 – MTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES: Creates the "Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale" specialty license plate

  • Act 317, SB 218 – VOTERS/VOTING: Provides relative to voting

  • Act 398, SB 414 – CHILDREN: Authorizes the installation and use of newborn safety devices at infant relinquishment sites designated in the Safe Haven Law

  • Act 434, HB 570 – VOTING/REGISTRATION: Provides for the change of party affiliation prior to the close of registration

  • Act 445, HB 688 – LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Provides relative to training requirements for local government officials

  • Act 453, HB 839 – INSURANCE/HEALTH: Provides relative to step therapy or fail first protocols

  • Act 362, SB 496 – CHILDREN: Provides for licensure requirements in adoption services

  • Act 388, HB 635 – DISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT: Authorizes Caddo Parish Fire District No. Six to levy a sales and use tax

  • Act 431, HB 541 – CRIME/SEX OFFENSES: Amends the elements of nonconsensual disclosure of a private image

  • Act 455, HB 846 – FISCAL CONTROLS: Provides relative to reporting on federal and state funding of mental health services

  • Act 471, HB 323 – PARISH/GOVERN AUTHORITY: Provides relative to a travel allowance for members of the governing authority of East Baton Rouge Parish

  • Act 361, SB 492 – FEES/LICENSES/PERMITS: Provides relative to the Leeville Bridge toll fee

  • Act 404, SB 342 – HEALTH CARE: Provides relative to the Louisiana Tumor Registry

  • Act 474, HB 544 – TRANSPORTATION: Provides relative to the Regional Transit Authority

  • Act 480, SB 240 – COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS: Provides for licensure requirements relative to manufactured housing

  • Act 328, SB 277 – GAMING: Provides for requirements to the land-based casino operating contract

  • Act 396, SB 232 – COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS: Provides for the establishment of gold and silver as legal tender

  • Act 433, HB 563 – HOUSING/AUTHORITIES: Provides relative to the civil service status of employees of housing authorities

  • Act 428, HB 424 – SCHOOLS: Requires each public school governing authority to use a uniform 10-point grading scale

  • Act 494, SB 432 – CONSERVATION: Provides relative to the capital area groundwater conservation district

  • Act 363, SB 506 – REAL ESTATE: Provides for real estate service agreements

  • Act 416, HB 174 – HIGHER EDUCATION: Provides relative to disciplinary proceedings for students and student organizations at public postsecondary education institutions

  • Act 418, HB 215 – CIVIL SERVICE/FIRE & POL: Provides relative to the classified police service in Morgan City

  • Act 495, HB 268 – PUBLIC RECORDS: Provides relative to the confidentiality of the home address and the home or personal wireless telephone number in a public employee's personnel records

  • Act 381, HB 511 – INSURANCE/AUTOMOBILE: Provides relative to uninsured motorists and certain policy forms

  • Act 461, HB 937 – ENERGY/CONSERVATION: Provides relative to landowner liability for carbon dioxide sequestration

  • Act 460, HB 908 – VACCINES/VACCINATION: Prohibits discrimination against students on the basis of vaccination status

  • Act 382, HB 573 – ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Provides relative to container sizes for beverages of high alcohol content

  • Act 376, HB 393 – MENTAL HEALTH: Requires support services for individuals with dementia

  • Act 385, HB 607 – LICENSING: Provides relative to locksmith licensing

  • Act 438, HB 638 – PRIVATE SECURITY: Provides relative to entities practicing as licensed private security businesses

  • Act 432, HB 558 – MEDICAID: Provides relative to the Local Healthcare Provider Participation Program