Louisiana Session Laws

from January 01, 2010
Last Document: January 01, 2024

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 9089

May 18, 2022

  • Act 62, SB 386 – MINERALS: Establishes the Advisory Commission for Louisiana's Energy, Environment, and Restoration

  • Act 65, HB 109 – MTR VEHICLE/VIOLATIONS: Prohibits vaping in motor vehicles under certain circumstances

  • Act 25, HB 75 – AGRICULTURE/FOREST COMR: Provides relative to the disposition of timber severance taxes

  • Act 363, SB 441 – SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Provides for meetings of the Calcasieu-Cameron Navigation District Board of Commissioners

  • Act 28, HB 436 – INSURANCE/LIFE: Repeals requirements for the Department of Insurance to maintain a central database for contact information on life insurance policies in force in the state

  • Act 334, HB 676 – HIGHER EDUCATION: Prohibits a public postsecondary education institution from withholding certain student services for financial reasons

  • Act 69, HB 147 – MOTOR VEHICLES: Provides relative to charges collected by public license tag agents

  • Act 338, HB 93 – REAPPORTIONMENT/JUDGES: Provides relative the composition of the election sections of the Second District of the Third Circuit Court of Appeal

  • Act 111, SB 101 – COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS: Provides relative to self-service storage facilities

  • Act 224, SB 254 – LOCAL AGENCIES: Provides for expansion of working conditions afforded to fire service employees employed by nonprofit corporations under contract with a fire protection district, municipality, or other political subdivision

  • Act 171, HB 136 – CRIME/BATTERY: Creates the crime of adulterating a food product

  • Act 136, HB 290 – ELECTIONS/COMMISSIONERS: Prohibits the disclosure of addresses and telephone numbers of election commissioners

  • Act 137, HB 317 – TRANSPORTATION: Establishes a driver's license designation for a person with autism spectrum disorder

  • Act 138, HB 328 – TAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL-EXEM: Authorizes an exemption from local sales taxes for feminine hygiene products and diapers

  • Act 97, HB 57 – CRIMINAL/JURY TRIALS: Provides for the functions of the jury commission in Tangipahoa Parish and Jackson Parish

  • Act 51, SB 55 – SECRETARY OF STATE: Removes requirement for telephone numbers in an application for registration of certain contract providers filed with the secretary of state

  • Act 15, HB 24 – CAPITAL OUTLAY: Provides relative to the capital outlay budget

  • Act 31, HB 461 – CHILDREN/CARE: Provides relative to violations by facilities licensed in accordance with the Specialized Provider Licensing Act

  • Act 26, HB 387 – INSURERS: Provides relative to network leasing by dental insurers

  • Act 60, HB 23 – CRIME: Repeals crimes relative to defamation

  • Act 59, SB 38 – BEHAVIOR ANALYSTS: Provides relative to the terms of the members of the Louisiana Behavior Analyst Board

  • Act 117, HB 695 – LEGISLATIVE EXPENSES: Makes appropriations for the expenses of the legislature for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

  • Act 116, HB 584 – APPROPRIATIONS: Appropriates funds for the expenses of the judiciary for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

  • Act 120, HB 516 – MTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES: Creates the pelicans specialty license plate

  • Act 66, HB 181 – WATER/RESOURCES: Extends cooperative endeavor agreements for use of surface waters

  • Act 64, HB 67 – CRIME/BATTERY: Provides relative to the crime of battery of a police officer

  • Act 16, HB 214 – REGISTRARS OF VOTERS: Provides relative to required orientation and training of new registrars of voters

  • Act 7, HB 58 – SHERIFFS: Provides relative to premium costs for retired sheriffs and deputy sheriffs of the Catahoula Parish Sheriff's Office

  • Act 13, HB 141 – ELECTIONS: Requires persons conducting exit polls within six hundred feet of a polling place to register with the secretary of state

  • Act 6, HB 37 – TOPS: Provides that the annual amount of a Taylor Opportunity Program for Students award at Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College shall match the annual award amount at other technical community colleges

  • Act 11, HB 125 – CHILDREN/SUPPORT: Provides relative to the role of the Department of Children and Family Services as an indispensable party in certain domestic matters

  • Act 76, HB 502 – MOTOR VEHICLES: Provides relative to dealer warranty compensation

  • Act 84, SB 57 – CLERKS OF COURT: Provides for the functions of the jury commission in Franklin Parish. (8/1/21)

  • Act 77, HB 577 – INSURANCE/FLOOD: Provides relative to residential flood coverage

  • Act 81, SB 45 – TAX/TAXATION: Extends the sunset date for Ports of Louisiana tax credits

  • Act 114, HB 515 – FUNDS/FUNDING: Provides for the transfer, deposit, and use of monies among state funds

  • Act 39, SB 37 – ROADS/HIGHWAYS: Provides for designation of certain state highways

  • Act 20, HB 260 – LEGISLATION: Provides for technical corrections and revision of provisions of Title 36 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes

  • Act 54, SB 11 – TAX EXEMPTIONS: Provides an individual and corporation income tax exemption for state and federal COVID-19 relief benefits

  • Act 43, SB 84 – INSURANCE POLICIES: Provides for health insurance coverage of genetic testing for various cancer mutations

  • Act 52, SB 5 – TAX/INCOME/PERSONAL: Excludes amounts deposited into certain education savings accounts for tuition expenses for elementary and secondary schools from state income tax

  • Act 104, SB 186 – CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Provides for post conviction relief with regard to successful "actual innocence" claims

  • Act 99, SB 132 – DNA: Provides relative to analysis of the DNA sample collected following an arrest for certain offenses. (gov sig)

  • Act 51, SB 193 – CIVIL SERVICE: Provides relative to entrance firefighters and police officer classes

  • Act 50, SB 191 – INSURANCE POLICIES: Provides relative to coverage of certain physician-administered drugs and related services

  • Act 98, SB 129 – WATER QUALITY: Creates and provides for the Community Drinking Water Infrastructure Sustainability Act

  • Act 100, SB 144 – CRIME/PUNISHMENT: Creates the crime of unlawful possession, transfer, or manufacture of animal fighting paraphernalia. (gov sig)

  • Act 106, SB 206 – CLERKS OF COURT: Provides relative to group insurance expenses for certain clerks of court. (gov sig)

  • Act 101, SB 168 – CONTROL DANGER SUBSTANCE: Provides relative to controlled dangerous substances

  • Act 102, SB 180 – PROCUREMENT CODE: Provides relative to state procurement of certain services by use of reverse auction technology