Regulation (EEC) No 998/68 of the Commission of 18 July 1968 on the non-fixing of additional amounts for imports of pig carcases and of certain cuts of pigmeat from Hungary
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Legal Act History
- Versión futura:
- A partir de 01/01/1988
- Versión actual:
- From
- Versiones pasadas:
- From 20/07/1968 to 11/12/2004
- From 01/02/1983 to 01/01/1988
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Regulation (EEC) No 998/68 of the Commission of 18 July 1968 on the non-fixing of additional amounts for imports of pig carcases and of certain cuts of pigmeat from Hungary
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This document cites
- Regulation No 614/67/EEC of the Commission of 26 September 1967 amending Regulation No 202/67/EEC on fixing the additional amount for imports of pigmeat products from third countries
- Regulation No 121/67/EEC of the Council of 13 June 1967 on the common organisation of the market in pigmeat
- Regulation No 202/67/EEC of the Commission of 28 June 1967 on fixing the additional amount for imports of pigmeat products from third countries
- Treaty establishing the European Community