Regulation (EEC) No 1108/70 of the Council of 4 June 1970 introducing an accounting system for expenditure on infrastructure in respect of transport by rail, road and inland waterway
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- Versión futura:
- A partir de 01/07/2013
- Versión actual:
- From
- Versiones pasadas:
- From 05/07/1970 to 01/01/1995
- From 01/01/1995 to 01/05/2004
- From 01/05/2004 to 01/01/2007
- From 01/01/2007 to 01/07/2013
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Regulation (EEC) No 1108/70 of the Council of 4 June 1970 introducing an accounting system for expenditure on infrastructure in respect of transport by rail, road and inland waterway
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