R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Sivakumaran
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Core Citations
Amargit Singh Bila v Secretary of state for the home department
Sambasivam v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Stella Adellah Birungi v Secretary of state for the home department
[See more]
R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Gilgham (Mustapha Yousef)
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Abdi
Kingori (Arthur) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Secretary of State for the Home Department v Ziar
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Iyadurai
Kaja v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Muralidharan v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Wu Shan Liang
Paramanathan v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
Barzideh v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs
Al-Rahal v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
Islam v Secretary of state for the home department
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs v S152-2003
Horvath v Secretary of State for the Home Department
AA v Secretary of State for the Home Department;
Mbanza v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Hari Dhima v Immigration Appeal Tribunal
R (Bagdanavicius) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Sakala
RT (Zimbabwe) and Others v Secretary of State for the Home Department [Sup Ct]
T v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Nalliah Karanakaran v Secretary of State for The Home Department
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Abdi ; Same v Same, ex parte Gawe
R (Elias) v Secretary of State for Defence
Re S (Children) (Child Abduction: Asylum Appeal)
EN (Serbia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
R v Uxbridge Magistrates' Court and Another, ex parte Adimi ; R v Crown Prosecution Service, ex parte Sorani ; R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Sorani ; R v Secretary of State for the Home Department and Another, ex parte Kaziu
R v Asfaw (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees intervening)
MA (Somalia) and Others v Secretary of State for the Home Department
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Demiraj (Besnik)
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Stefan (Tania Luiza)
R (Chinder Singh) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
R v Secretary of State for The Home Department, ex parte Befekadu
R v Immigration appeal tribunal ex parte Christopher Babiha
R v Immigration appeal tribunal ex parte Sanjeev Kumar; R v Immigration appeal tribunal ex parte Gurdev Kaur; R v Immigration appeal tribunal ex parte Joga Singh
R v Secretary of State for The Home Department, ex parte Salas
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Ravichandran ; R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Sandralingham
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Robinson