Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union and Others v Minister of Correctional Services and Others (No 1)
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Core Citations
This document cites
R v Somerset County Council, ex parte Fewings
R v Panel on Take-overs and Mergers, ex parte Datafin Plc
John v Rees
S v Makwanyane and Another
Bullock NO and Others v Provincial Government, North West Province, and Another
See all quotations
Cape Metropolitan Council v Metro Inspection Services (Western Cape) CC and Others
Hira and Another v Booysen and Another
Logbro Properties CC v Bedderson NO and Others
Moleko v Bantu Affairs Administration Board (Vaal Triangle Area) and Others
President of the Republic of South Africa and Others v South African Rugby Football Union and Others
Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Another v Witwatersrand Nigel Ltd and Another
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of SA and Another: In re Ex parte President of the Republic of South Africa and Others
S v Zuma and Others
President of Bophuthatswana and Another v Sefularo
Lenz Township Co (Pty) Ltd v Lorentz, NO en Andere
Traube and Others v Administrator, Transvaal, and Others
Golube v Oosthuizen and Another
Grey's Marine Hout Bay (Pty) Ltd and Others v Minister of Public Works and Others
Fredericks and Another v Stellenbosch Divisional Council *
Pretoria North Town Council v A1 Electric Ice-Cream Factory (Pty) Ltd
Denel (Edms) Bpk v Vorster
Madrassa Anjuman Islamia v Johannesburg Municipality
Ex parte Minister of Safety and Security and Others: In re S v Walters and Another
Roberts v Chairman, Local Road Transportation Board and Another (1)
Turner v Jockey Club of South Africa
Dawnlaan Beleggings (Edms) Bpk v Johannesburg Stock Exchange and Others
Bushula and Others v Permanent Secretary, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape, and Another
Derby-Lewis and Another v Chairman, Amnesty Committee of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and Others
Mhlongo v MacDonald
Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others
Heatherdale Farms (Pty) Ltd and Others v Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Another
Ex parte Minister of Safety and Security and Others: In re S v Walters
Rangani v Superintendent-General, Department of Health and Welfare, Northern Province
Lunt v University of Cape Town and Another
Coin Security Group (Pty) Ltd v SA National Union for Security Officers and Other Workers and Others