Mitchell v. Ont., (2004) 188 O.A.C. 385 (DC)
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Mitchell v. Ont., (2004) 188 O.A.C. 385 (DC)
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This document cites
- Hodgkinson v. Simms et al., (1994) 171 N.R. 245 (SCC)
- Edwards et al. v. Law Society of Upper Canada et al., (2001) 153 O.A.C. 388 (SCC)
- Belanger (R.D.) & Associates Ltd. et al. v. Stadium Corp. of Ontario Ltd. and Bitove Corp., (1991) 57 O.A.C. 81 (CA)
- Odhavji Estate et al. v. Woodhouse et al., (2003) 312 N.R. 305 (SCC)
- Copoc et al. v. Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police, (1991) 131 N.R. 194 (HL)