Donnellan v Min for Justice and Others
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Core Citations
This document cites
Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales
Andrews v. Law Society of British Columbia, (1989) 91 N.R. 255 (SCC)
R. v. Généreux, (1992) 133 N.R. 241 (SCC)
Mckinney v. University of Guelph, [1990] 3 SCR 229
Cassidy v Minister for Industry and Commerce
See all quotations
Philips v Medical Council
State (Kenny) v Minister for Social Welfare
Cassidy v Minister for Industry and Commerce
R (Carson) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
O'Keeffe v an Bord Pleanála
Purcell v Attorney General
Gorman v Minister for the Environment
Burke v The Minister for Labour
Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation
State (Keegan & Lysaght) v Stardust Victims Compensation Tribunal
Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service
McHugh v Minister for Social Welfare
Cityview Press v an Chomhairle Oilina
Purcell v Attorney General
Stingel v R
Qantas Airways Ltd v Christie
Hampton v Lord Chancellor
Equality Act, 2004
Garda Síochána (Reserve Members) Regulations, 2006
Garda Síochána (Retirement) (No. 2) Regulations, 2006
R (Carson) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
H. Lommers v Minister van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij.
Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation
Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Framework Directive)
Human Rights Act 1998
Garda Síochána (Associations) Regulations, 1978
Employment Equality Act, 1998
Garda Síochána (Retirement) Regulations, 1990
Gárda Síochána (Retirement) (No. 2) Regulations, 1951
Garda Síochána (Retirement) Regulations, 1996