Council Regulation (EEC) No 2997/87 of 22 September 1987 laying down, in respect of hops, the amount of aid to producers for the 1986 harvest and providing for special measures for certain regions of production
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Council Regulation (EEC) No 2997/87 of 22 September 1987 laying down, in respect of hops, the amount of aid to producers for the 1986 harvest and providing for special measures for certain regions of production
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This document cites
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 of 12 March 1985 on improving the efficiency of agricultural structures
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 3800/85 of 20 December 1985 adapting, on account of the accession of Spain and Portugal, Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 on the common organization of the market in hops
- Council Directive 75/268/EEC of 28 April 1975 on mountain and hill farming and farming in certain less- favoured areas
- Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 of the Council of 26 July 1971 on the common organisation of the market in hops
- Treaty establishing the European Community