Council Regulation (EEC) No 2955/85 of 22 October 1985 derogating in respect of the countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations, of the countries of the Central American Common Market and the countries which have signed the Cartagena Agreement (Andean Group) from Regulation (EEC) No 3749/83 on the defintion of the concept of originating products for purposes of the application of tariff preferences granted by the European Economic Community in respect of certain products from developing countries

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Council Regulation (EEC) No 2955/85 of 22 October 1985 derogating in respect of the countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations, of the countries of the Central American Common Market and the countries which have signed the Cartagena Agreement (Andean Group) from Regulation (EEC) No 3749/83 on the defintion of the concept of originating products for purposes of the application of tariff preferences granted by the European Economic Community in respect of certain products from developing countries

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