Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/97 of 25 June 1997 concerning Community criteria for staging points and amending the route plan referred to in the Annex to Directive 91/628/EEC
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- A partir de 05/01/2007
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- Versiones pasadas:
- From 02/07/1997 to 01/07/2004
- From 01/07/2004 to 05/01/2007
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Council Regulation (EC) No 1255/97 of 25 June 1997 concerning Community criteria for staging points and amending the route plan referred to in the Annex to Directive 91/628/EEC
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This document cites
- Council Directive 91/496/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the principles governing the organization of veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries and amending Directives 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC and 90/675/EEC
- Council Directive 92/102/EEC of 27 November 1992 on the identification and registration of animals
- Council Directive 64/432/EEC of 26 June 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine
- 93/444/EEC: Commission Decision of 2 July 1993 on detailed rules governing intra-Community trade in certain live animals and products intended for exportation to third countries
- Council Directive 96/43/EC of 26 June 1996 amending and consolidating Directive 85/73/EEC in order to ensure financing of veterinary inspections and controls on live animals and certain animal products and amending Directives 90/675/EEC and 91/496/EEC