Council Directive of 21 December 1988 amending for the ninth time Directive 69/169/EEC on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel (88/664/EEC)
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- A partir de 01/12/2008
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- Versiones pasadas:
- From 23/12/1988 to 23/12/1988
- From 23/12/1988 to 01/12/2008
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Council Directive of 21 December 1988 amending for the ninth time Directive 69/169/EEC on the harmonization of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel (88/664/EEC)
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This document cites
- Council Directive of 28 May 1969 on the harmonisation of provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action relating to exemption from turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel (69/169/EEC)
- Council Directive 87/198/EEC of 16 March 1987 amending Directive 69/169/EEC as regards a derogation granted to the Kingdom of Denmark relating to the rules governing turnover tax and excise duty on imports in international travel