Council Directive 85/576/EEC of 20 December 1985 amending Directive 78/1035/EEC on the exemption from taxes of imports of small consignments of goods of a non-commercial character from third countries
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- From 24/12/1985 to 06/11/2006
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Council Directive 85/576/EEC of 20 December 1985 amending Directive 78/1035/EEC on the exemption from taxes of imports of small consignments of goods of a non-commercial character from third countries
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This document cites
- Council Directive 78/1035/EEC of 19 December 1978 on the exemption from taxes of imports of small consignments of goods of a non-commercial character from third countries
- Council Directive 81/933/EEC of 17 November 1981 amending Directives 69/169/EEC and 78/1035/EEC as regards tax reliefs applicable in international travel and to imports of small consignments of goods of a non- commercial character from third countries