Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3375/89 of 9 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 920/89 laying down quality standards for carrots, citrus fruit and dessert apples and pears as regards the list of large fruit varieties
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Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3375/89 of 9 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 920/89 laying down quality standards for carrots, citrus fruit and dessert apples and pears as regards the list of large fruit varieties
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This document cites
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 920/89 of 10 April 1989 laying down quality standards for carrots, citrus fruit and dessert apples and pears and amending Commission Regulation No 58
- Council Regulation (EEC) No 1119/89 of 27 April 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72 on the common organization of the market in fruit and vegetables
- Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72 of the Council of 18 May 1972 on the common organization of the market in fruit and vegetables
- Treaty establishing the European Community