Commission Regulation (EC) No 2045/2004 of 29 November 2004 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2131/93 laying down the procedure and conditions for the sale of cereals held by intervention agencies
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- Versión futura:
- A partir de 05/03/2009
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- From
- Versiones pasadas:
- From 07/12/2004 to 05/03/2009
- From 07/12/2004 to 05/03/2009
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Commission Regulation (EC) No 2045/2004 of 29 November 2004 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2131/93 laying down the procedure and conditions for the sale of cereals held by intervention agencies
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This document cites
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 777/2004 of 26 April 2004 adapting several regulations concerning the cereal market by reason of the accession of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia to the European Union
- Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2131/93 of 28 July 1993 laying down the procedure and conditions for the sale of cereals held by intervention agencies
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1784/2003 of 29 September 2003 on the common organisation of the market in cereals
- Treaty establishing the European Community