Commission Decision of 26 August 2010 on imports of semen, ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species into the Union (notified under document C(2010) 5780) (Text with EEA relevance) (2010/472/EU)
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- From 01/01/2015 to 01/07/2017
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Commission Decision of 26 August 2010 on imports of semen, ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species into the Union (notified under document C(2010) 5780) (Text with EEA relevance) (2010/472/EU)
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This document cites
- 2010/470/EU: Commission Decision of 26 August 2010 laying down model health certificates for trade within the Union in semen, ova and embryos of animals of the equine, ovine and caprine species and in ova and embryos of animals of the porcine species (notified under document C(2010) 5779) Text with EEA relevance
- Council Decision of 17 December 1996 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and New Zealand on sanitary measures applicable to trade in live animals and animal products (97/132/EC)
- Council Directive 2008/73/EC of 15 July 2008 simplifying procedures of listing and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields and amending Directives 64/432/EEC, 77/504/EEC, 88/407/EEC, 88/661/EEC, 89/361/EEC, 89/556/EEC, 90/426/EEC, 90/427/EEC, 90/428/EEC, 90/429/EEC, 90/539/EEC, 91/68/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 92/35/EEC, 92/65/EEC, 92/66/EEC, 92/119/EEC, 94/28/EC, 2000/75/EC, Decision 2000/258/EC and Directives 2001/89/EC, 2002/60/EC and 2005/94/EC (Text with EEA relevance)
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 of 12 March 2010 laying down lists of third countries, territories or parts thereof authorised for the introduction into the European Union of certain animals and fresh meat and the veterinary certification requirements (Text with EEA relevance)
- Council Directive 96/93/EC of 17 December 1996 on the certification of animals and animal products