Commission Decision of 25 June 2009 concerning certain protection measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N1 in Croatia and Switzerland (notified under document number C(2009) 4977) (Text with EEA relevance) (2009/494/EC)
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- From 01/07/2009 to 14/11/2013
- From 02/12/2010 to 09/05/2012
- From 09/05/2012 to 15/11/2013
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Commission Decision of 25 June 2009 concerning certain protection measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N1 in Croatia and Switzerland (notified under document number C(2009) 4977) (Text with EEA relevance) (2009/494/EC)
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This document cites
- Council Directive 90/675/EEC of 10 December 1990 laying down the principles governing the organization of veterinary checks on products entering the Community from third countries
- Council Directive 91/496/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the principles governing the organization of veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries and amending Directives 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC and 90/675/EEC
- Commission Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 of 8 August 2008 laying down a list of third countries, territories, zones or compartments from which poultry and poultry products may be imported into and transit through the Community and the veterinary certification requirements (Text with EEA relevance)
- Council Directive of 11 December 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-Community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (89/662/EEC)
- 2007/777/EC: Commission Decision of 29 November 2007 laying down the animal and public health conditions and model certificates for imports of certain meat products and treated stomachs, bladders and intestines for human consumption from third countries and repealing Decision 2005/432/EC (notified under document number C(2007) 5777) (Text with EEA relevance )