97/564/EC: Commission Decision of 28 July 1997 amending Decision 97/296/EC drawing up the list of third countries from which the import of fishery products is authorized for human consumption (Text with EEA relevance)
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97/564/EC: Commission Decision of 28 July 1997 amending Decision 97/296/EC drawing up the list of third countries from which the import of fishery products is authorized for human consumption (Text with EEA relevance)
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This document cites
- Council Directive of 15 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of live bivalve molluscs (91/492/EEC)
- Commission Decision of 22 April 1997 drawing up the list of third countries from which the import of fishery products is authorized for human consumption (Text with EEA relevance) (97/296/EC)
- Council Directive 96/23/EC of 29 April 1996 on measures to monitor certain substances and residues thereof in live animals and animal products and repealing Directives 85/358/EEC and 86/469/EEC and Decisions 89/187/EEC and 91/664/EEC
- Council Decision of 22 June 1995 on the conditions for drawing up, for an interim period, provisional lists of third country establishments from which Member States are authorized to import certain products of animal origin, fishery products or live bivalve molluscs (95/408/EC)
- Council Direttive of 22 July 1991 laying down the health conditions for the production and the placing on the market of fishery products (91/493/EEC)