95/31/EC: Commission Decision of 10 February 1995 amending the list of establishments in the Community for which are granted temporary and limited derogations from specific Community health rules on the production and marketing of fresh meat, adopted by Commission Decision 94/14/EC (Text with EEA relevance)
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95/31/EC: Commission Decision of 10 February 1995 amending the list of establishments in the Community for which are granted temporary and limited derogations from specific Community health rules on the production and marketing of fresh meat, adopted by Commission Decision 94/14/EC (Text with EEA relevance)
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This document cites
- Council Directive of 29 July 1991 amending and consolidating Directive 64/433/EEC on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in fresh meat to extend it to the production and marketing of fresh meat (91/497/EEC)
- Council Directive 64/433/EEC of 26 June 1964 on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in fresh meat
- 94/14/EC: Commission Decision of 21 December 1993 setting up the list of establishments in the Community for which are granted temporary and limited derogation from specific Community health rules on the production and marketing of fresh meat
- Council Directive of 29 July 1991 on the conditions for granting temporary and limited derogations from specific Community health rules on the production and marketing of fresh meat (91/498/EEC)