93/231/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 March 1993 authorizing, in respect of the marketing of seed potatoes in all or part of the territory of certain Member States, more stringent measures against certain diseases than are provided for in Annexes I and II to Council Directive 66/403/EEC
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- From 13/03/1995 to 06/05/1996
- From 03/02/1995 to 13/03/1995
- From 07/04/1993 to 18/12/2003
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93/231/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 March 1993 authorizing, in respect of the marketing of seed potatoes in all or part of the territory of certain Member States, more stringent measures against certain diseases than are provided for in Annexes I and II to Council Directive 66/403/EEC
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This document cites
- Commission Directive 92/103/EEC of 1 December 1992 amending Annexes I to IV to Council Directive 77/93/EEC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community
- Council Directive 77/93/EEC of 21 December 1976 on protective measures against the introduction into the Member States of harmful organisms of plants or plant products
- Council Directive 66/403/EEC of 14 June 1966 on the marketing of seed potatoes
- Commission Directive 93/17/EEC of 30 March 1993 determining Community grades of basic seed potatoes, together with the conditions and designations applicable to such grades
- Treaty establishing the European Community