2006/941/EC: Commission Decision of 8 November 2006 on State aid C 11/06 (ex N 127/05) which Italy is planning to implement for AEM Torino (notified under document number C(2006) 5276) (Text with EEA relevance)
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2006/941/EC: Commission Decision of 8 November 2006 on State aid C 11/06 (ex N 127/05) which Italy is planning to implement for AEM Torino (notified under document number C(2006) 5276) (Text with EEA relevance)
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This document cites
- Commission of the European Communities v Italian Republic.
- 2003/193/EC: Commission Decision of 5 June 2002 on State aid granted by Italy in the form of tax exemptions and subsidised loans to public utilities with a majority public capital holding (notified under document number C(2002) 2006) (Text with EEA relevance)
- Treaty establishing the European Community