2004/277/EC,Euratom: Commission Decision of 29 December 2003 laying down rules for the implementation of Council Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom establishing a Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2003) 5185)
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2004/277/EC,Euratom: Commission Decision of 29 December 2003 laying down rules for the implementation of Council Decision 2001/792/EC, Euratom establishing a Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions (Text with EEA relevance) (notified under document number C(2003) 5185)
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This document cites
- Commission Decision of 29 November 2001 amending its internal Rules of Procedure (notified under document number C(2001) 3031) (2001/844/EC, ECSC, Euratom)
- 1720/1999/EC: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 1999 adopting a series of actions and measures in order to ensure interoperability of and access to trans-European networks for the electronic interchange of data between administrations (IDA)
- Council Decision of 9 December 1999 establishing a Community action programme in the field of civil protection (1999/847/EC)
- Decision No 2045/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2002 amending Decision No 1720/1999/EC adopting a series of actions and measures in order to ensure interoperability of and access to trans-European networks for the electronic interchange of data between administrations (IDA)
- Decision No 2046/2002/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2002 amending Decision No 1719/1999/EC on a series of guidelines, including the identification of projects of common interest, for trans-European networks for the electronic interchange of data between administrations (IDA)