1999/448/EC: Commission Decision of 14 June 1999 amending Decision 98/130/EC approving the multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Finland for the period from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2001 (notified under document number C(1999) 1534) (Only the Finnish and Swedish texts are authentic)
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1999/448/EC: Commission Decision of 14 June 1999 amending Decision 98/130/EC approving the multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Finland for the period from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2001 (notified under document number C(1999) 1534) (Only the Finnish and Swedish texts are authentic)
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This document cites
- Council Regulation (EC) No 2468/98 of 3 November 1998 laying down the criteria and arrangements regarding Community structural assistance in the fisheries and aquaculture sector and the processing and marketing of its products
- 98/130/EC: Commission Decision of 16 December 1997 approving the multiannual guidance programme for the fishing fleet of Finland for the period from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2001 (Only the Finnish text is authentic)
- Council Decision of 26 June 1997 concerning the objectives and detailed rules for restructuring the Community fisheries sector for the period from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2001 with a view to achieving a balance on a sustainable basis between resources and their exploitation (97/413/EC)
- Treaty establishing the European Community