176 F.2d 237 (2nd Cir. 1949), 250, Person v. Cauldwell-Wingate Co.
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176 F.2d 237 (2nd Cir. 1949), 250, Person v. Cauldwell-Wingate Co.
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This document cites
- Federal Cases - 14 F.2d 253 (D.D.C. 1926), 4026., Ford v. Sturgis
- Indiana - 37 N.E. 607 (Ind. 1894), 16,790, Parish v. Camplin
- Indiana - 98 N.E. 657 (Ind.App. 1912), 7,688, Taylor v. Campbell
- New York - 192 A.D. 120, Coleman v. A.L. Guidone & Sons
- New York - 217 A.D. 206, Burrows v. Livingston-Niagara Power Co.