Yale Law Journal

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from October 1991
Last Number: February 2024

Yale University, School of Law
ISSN 0044-0094

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1726

May 01, 2006

  • For-profit and nonprofit charter schools: an agency costs approach.

  • Unaccountable at the founding: the originalist case for anonymous juries.

  • Validation procedures and the burden of ballot access regulations.

  • June 01, 2006

  • A man for all seasons.

  • William H. Rehnquist: a life lived greatly, and well.

  • Tribute to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist.

  • Beyond Lawrence: metaprivacy and punishment.

  • Absolute priority, valuation uncertainty, and the reorganization bargain.

  • Preface.

  • The paradigm-case method.

  • America's Constitution and the Yale School of Constitutional Interpretation.

  • A dialogue.

  • How to interpret the constitution (and how not to).

  • Grand visions in an age of conflict.

  • Reply to commentators.

  • An open letter to Professors Paulsen and Powell.

  • The unforeseen effects of Georgia v. Ashcroft on the Latino community.

  • Making the No Fly List fly: a due process model for terrorist watchlists.

  • United States v. Pho: reasons and reasonableness in post-Booker appellate review.

  • Suspending employers' immigration-related duties during labor disputes: a statutory proposal.

  • Should the criminal defendant be assigned a seat in court?

  • July 01, 2006

  • Correspondence.

  • The most dangerous branch? Mayors, governors, presidents, and the rule of law.

  • Why (and when) cities have a stake in enforcing the Constitution.

  • Quasipublic executives.

  • The President's completion power.

  • Internal separation of powers: checking today's most dangerous branch from within.

  • Setting the world right.

  • Gubernatorial foreign policy.

  • Executive branch usurpation of power: corporations and capital markets.

  • Break up the presidency? Governors, state attorneys general, and lessons from the divided executive.

  • Inherent executive power: a comparative perspective.

  • Rational war and constitutional design.

  • Can strong mayors empower weak cities? On the power of local executives in a federal system.

  • Beyond Marbury: the executive's power to say what the law is.

  • The President: lightning rod or king?

  • Chevron and agency norm-entrepreneurship.

  • Of sovereigns and servants.

  • Gender and constitutional design.

  • October 01, 2006

  • Criminal law comes home.

  • How to remove a federal judge.

  • Response: good behavior, judicial independence, and the foundations of American constitutionalism.

  • Reply: (mis)understanding good-behavior tenure.

  • From employment to contract: section 1981 and antidiscrimination law for the independent contractor workforce.

  • BlackBerry users unite! Expanding the consumer class action to include a class defense.

  • November 01, 2006

  • Unpacking the household: informal property rights around the hearth.

  • Education, equality, and national citizenship.

  • Contractual waiver of corporate attorney-client privilege.

  • Environmental economics: a market failure approach to the commerce clause.

  • HAVA's unintended consequences: a lesson for next time.