Utrecht Journal of International and European Law

from August 2010
Last Number: September 2020

Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
ISSN 2053-5341

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 132

September 01, 2020

  • Should Forced Marriages be Categorised as 'Sexual Slavery' or 'Other Inhumane Acts' in International Criminal Law?

  • The Elusive Contours of Constitutional Identity: Taricco as a Missed Opportunity

  • The Illegality of Humanitarian Intervention: The Case of the UK's Legal Position Concerning the 2018 Strikes in Syria

  • November 01, 2018

  • Developments in the Protection of the Citizens' Rights Under International and European Law

  • The Identification of Customary Rules in International Criminal Law

  • A Bundle of Bundles of Rights - International Treaties Regarding Migration in the Light of the Theory of Property Rights

  • Health Rights Impacts by Agrochemical Business: Legally Challenging the 'Myth of Safe Use'

  • Protection of Civilians: A NATO Perspective

  • Awakening the Leviathan through Human Rights Law - How Human Rights Bodies Trigger the Application of Criminal Law

  • Accountability Gaps in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) Framework

  • The ICJ's Judgement in Somalia v. Kenya and Its Implications for the Law of the Sea

  • June 01, 2018

  • Transnational Legal Unity Under Pressure: A Contextual Analysis of the European Union

  • Unity and Diversity in the European Union's Internal Market Case Law: Towards Unity in 'Good Governance'?

  • The Framework for Judicial Cooperation in the European Union: Unpacking the Ethical, Legal and Institutional Dimensions of 'Judicial Culture'

  • On the Meaning of 'System' in the Common and Civil Law Traditions: Two Approaches to Legal Unity

  • Legal Unity as Political Unity? Carl Schmitt and Hugo Krabbe on the Catalonian Constitutional Crisis

  • How to Continue a Meaningful Judicial Dialogue About EU Law? From the Conditions in the CILFIT Judgment to the Creation of a New European Legal Culture

  • August 01, 2017

  • The Fusion of International and Domestic Law in a Globalised World

  • Proving Unlawful Discrimination in Capital Cases: In Quest of an Adequate Standard of Proof

  • Justice in Post-Conflict Settings: Islamic Law and Muslim Communities as Stakeholders in Transition

  • Extremism, Free Speech and the Rule of Law: Evaluating the Compliance of Legislation Restricting Extremist Expressions with Article 19 ICCPR

  • National Courts in the Frontline: Abuse of Rights under the Citizens' Rights Directive

  • Trade Measures for Regulating Transboundary Movement of Electronic Waste

  • The Nuclear Disarmament Cases: Is Formalistic Rigour in Establishing Jurisdiction Impeding Access to Justice?

  • April 01, 2017

  • Bridging Scholarship and Practice: 20 Years of the Public International Law and Policy Group

  • A Legal Perspective on Yemen's Attempted Transition from a Unitary to a Federal System of Government

  • Inclusive Democracy: Franchise Limitations on Non-Resident Citizens as an Unjust Restriction of Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights

  • Changing Landscapes in Documentation Efforts: Civil Society Documentation of Serious Human Rights Violations

  • The Accountability Turn in Third Wave Human Rights Fact-Finding

  • A Contemporary Approach to the Oldest International Crime

  • Navigating the Legal Horizon: Lawyering the MH17 Disaster

  • Prosecuting Crimes of International Concern: Islamic State at the ICC?

  • September 01, 2016

  • Intellectual Property Rights in Traditional Knowledge: Enabler of Sustainable Development

  • It's not the Fish that Stinks! EU Trade Relations with Morocco under the Scrutiny of the General Court of the European Union

  • The Promotion and Integration of Human Rights in EU External Trade Relations

  • When Does a Child 'Participate Actively in Hostilities' under the Rome Statute? Protecting Children from Use in Hostilities after Lubanga

  • Termination of Maritime Boundaries Due to a Fundamental Change of Circumstances

  • The Joined Cases Aranyosi and Caldararu: A New Limit to the Mutual Trust Presumption in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice?

  • April 01, 2016

  • Intellectual Property: The 21st Century's Most Compelling Legal Domain

  • Toward a Human Rights Method for Measuring International Copyright Law's Compliance with International Human Rights Law

  • The Borders of EU Competences with Regard to the International Regulation of Intellectual Property Rights: Constructing a Dam to Resist a River Bursting Its Banks

  • Cross-Border Patent Disputes: Unified Patent Court or International Commercial Arbitration?

  • Taking Technological Infrastructure Seriously: Standards, Intellectual Property and Open Access

  • February 01, 2014

  • Legal Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Refining the Rules of the Game: The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

  • Jurisdiction by Necessity and the Regulation of the Transnational Corporate Actor

  • Competing Transnational Regimes under WTO Law

  • International Obligations, State Responsibility and Judicial Review Under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Regime

  • Was Kiobel Detrimental to Corporate Social Responsibility? Applying Lessons Learnt From American Exceptionalism

  • Sexual Orientation, Human Rights, and Corporate Sponsorship of the Sochi Olympic Games: Rethinking the Voluntary Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility