UN Chronicle

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1984
Last Number: January 2019

United Nations Publications
ISSN 0251-7329

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 4023

December 01, 2012

  • Establishing effective accountability mechanisms for human rights violations.

  • The role of the International Criminal Court: in ending impunity and establishing the rule of law.

  • Increasing women's access to justice in post-conflict societies.

  • Delivering justice on the ground: the challenges of fighting corruption at the national and international levels.

  • Meeting the challenges of delivering: justice on the ground.

  • Justice and development: challenges to the legal empowerment of the poor.

  • Rule of law and democracy: addressing the gap between policies and practices.

  • The International Network to Promote the Rule of Law: a platform to promote justice and security in conflict-affected States.

  • Justice: what we need in a post-2015 world.

  • Upholding the rule of law at the international level: the role of the International Court of Justice.

  • April 01, 2013

  • The sustainable exploitation of the Ocean's minerals and resources.

  • Towards the International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013.

  • Women and agricultural water resource management a pathway towards obtaining gender equality.

  • Water Cooperation to cope with twenty-first century challenge.

  • Empowering people: through integrated water resource management practices.

  • Impacts of climate change on coral reefs and the marine environment.

  • Water brings people together to create a better planet.

  • Collective action the private sector's interest and role in collaborating to address water challenges in urban and rural areas.

  • Cooperation on water research and education among the universities from the Black Sea region.

  • The Mediterranean Sea cradle of civilization.

  • December 01, 2013

  • Is it still necessary to teach about the United Nation.

  • Teaching the UN through experiential education: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 30 January 2009 (1).

  • Higher learning institutions and global citizen education.

  • W at Type of.

  • Making Academic Research: The case of research in higher Education internationalization.

  • Daring in higher education, a crazy idea: "... the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are those who do." 1997 advert by Apple Computers.

  • Colleges and collegiality: an international imperative.

  • Education as the pathway towards gender equality.

  • The journey of a dental surgeon into international education.

  • The contribution of the german tertiary education system: towards furthering the united nations academic impact initiative.

  • International mobility of students in Brazil.

  • May 01, 2014

  • Message on the 50th anniversary of the group of 77: half a century of engacement and achievement.

  • The G-77 an essential element of democratization.

  • The group of 77 at fifty.

  • Fiftieth anniversary of the G 77.

  • The group of 77 at fifty congratulations!

  • Vignettes from my half a century alongside the group of 77.

  • Financial support to South-South cooperation: the caracas programme of action and the Perez-Guerrero trust fund.

  • The historic importance of G-77.

  • The early days of the group of 77.

  • A southern renaissance?

  • The values of the G-77 are more actual.

  • The voice of the majority: the role of the group of 77 in the UN General Sssembly.

  • 2014 fiftieth anniversary of the group of 77 from unity celebrating diversity to diversity celebrating unity.

  • December 01, 2014

  • Conference diplomacy from Vienna to New York: a personal reflection.

  • Three lessons of peace from the congress of Vienna to the Ukraine crisis.

  • From the Congress of Vienna to present-day international organizations.

  • The power of peace: diplomacy between the Congress of Vienna and the Paris treaties 1919: impressive progress, structural shortcomings and a tragic failure.

  • The use of conference diplomacy in conflict prevention.

  • The United Nations and disarmament treaties.