UN Chronicle

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1984
Last Number: January 2019

United Nations Publications
ISSN 0251-7329

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 4023

September 01, 2011

  • WSIS and the broadband divide: obstacles and solutions.

  • Digital Asia-Pacific in the twenty-first century: promises and perils in the creation of an inclusive knowledge society.

  • ICT for poverty reduction in Lao PDR.

  • Rewarding scientific knowledge for sustainable development.

  • Context and design in ICT for global development.

  • Mobile communication and socio-economic development: a Latin American perspective.

  • Bridging the digital divide in health: "from trade to telemedicine, from education to environmental protection, we have in our hands, on our desktops, and in the skies above, the ability to improve standards of living for millions upon millions of people. ... ".

  • The ICT/poverty nexus.

  • Strengthening crisis information management in a networked world: a call for vision, leadership, and collaboration.

  • The role of e-governance in bridging the digital divide.

  • July 01, 2013

  • At the crossroads of climate change and global security.

  • Towards cyberpeace managing cyberwar through international cooperation.

  • Fighting the industrialization of cybercrime.

  • Cyberconflicts and national security.

  • A state-building approach to the drug trade problem.

  • National security and pandemics.

  • Challenges to biosecurity from advances in the life sciences.

  • The evolution and challenges of security within cities.

  • Cities and security: matters of everyday relations.

  • New security risks and challenges for consuls.

  • September 01, 2013

  • Lowering the costs and amplifying the benefits of migration.

  • Protection of migrants' rights and state sovereignty.

  • Strengthening partnerships and cooperation on international migration.

  • From migration restriction to migration management.

  • Labour migration and inclusive development: setting a course for success.

  • Migration, sustainable development and the role of business.

  • Leveraging migration and remittances for development.

  • Homeward bound? Questions on promoting the reintegration of returning migrants.

  • China's return migration and its impact on home development.

  • Globalization of migration: what like modern world can learn from nomadic cultures.

  • Enrique's journey.

  • December 01, 2013

  • Walter a story of resilience and hope.

  • September 01, 2014

  • The illegal commercial bushmeat trade in central and west africa.

  • Putting a stop to global environmental crime has become an imperative.

  • A global collaboration to fight wildlife and forest crime.

  • How wildlife and forest crime undermines development and ravages global biodiversity.

  • Strengthening front-line action to combat wildlife and forest crimes.

  • A comprehensive approach to combating the criminal networks behind environmental crime.

  • Fighting wildlife crime to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity.

  • Builcling worldwide expertise to detect and seize illegally traded wildlife.

  • The london declaration's role in the fight against wildlife trade.

  • Will china say no to wildlife trade?

  • Fighting wildlife trade in kenya.

  • Tiger running out?

  • March 01, 2011

  • The 4th decade of AIDS: what is needed to reshape the response.

  • In the beginning.

  • Labour, HIV & the workplace working to get the job done.

  • Microbicides new hope for HIV prevention.

  • HIV/AIDS + education: lessons from the 1980s + the gay male community in the United States.

  • Impact of HIV/AIDS on education and poverty.