Strategies: The Journal of Legal Marketing

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from April 2007
Last Number: September 2017

Legal Marketing Association
ISSN 1099-0127

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 1239

July 01, 2007

  • Modern Marco Polos or victims of a herd mentality? Law firms and legal marketing in China.

  • President's podium.

  • Will the circle be unbroken? By and by--not.

  • The hidden agenda--know the culture.

  • August 01, 2007

  • Getting blogs on your side.

  • President's podium.

  • A public life--when law firms test the capital markets.

  • A successful cross sell in four easy steps.

  • Managing the evolving role of law firm marketing.

  • Marketing in Europe's capital--the view from Brussels.

  • The fine art of closing.

  • September 01, 2007

  • A missed opportunity for law firms.

  • Cracking the acorn theory: do small clients grow to be big clients?

  • Model behavior: identifying your business generators and building teams to support them.

  • Seven preparation steps to a new Web site for your firm.

  • When clients think your lawyers make too much: lessons from Coke.

  • Ask the authorities.

  • April 01, 2007

  • Maya Angelou offers advice on work, life and charity.

  • LMA Hall of Fame's first class looks at accomplishments and challenges: a Strategies interview.

  • Lead, then get out of the way--coaching the Alpha Lawyer.

  • Looking at the annual conference through international eyes.

  • Outside coaching helps marketing department recharge and refocus.

  • Starting in Atlanta, around the world and back with LMA.

  • Telling stories to market with emotion.

  • Whose rules apply? The angst of multi-state compliance.

  • October 01, 2007

  • Crisis communications: a checklist for being prepared.

  • Ten Golden Rules to Make Your New Clients Happy.

  • Ten common business development mistakes--and how to avoid them.

  • When smart law firms ask dumb interview questions: marketing departments should know what's appropriate to ask in a job interview--but they don't always.

  • What's in a name? The ethical aspects of surnames, trade names and nicknames.

  • November 01, 2008

  • Getting more done: increased productivity through better processes.

  • Marketing budgets, initiatives take hit in battered economy.

  • To consult or not to consult, that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to go solo.

  • What to do with your "exes"--creating a successful alumni program.

  • Ask the authorities.

  • A call to arms.

  • August 01, 2008

  • Ask the authorities.

  • Avoiding random acts of PR.

  • Budgeting for beginners.

  • Five keys to building your firm's marketing committee.

  • Strategies for planning and executing a satisfaction survey.

  • Relationship marketing at law firms: four best practices.

  • Don't let yourself go: steps for career self-care.

  • September 01, 2008

  • 10 tips for using technology to connect law firms and clients.

  • A new Web site transforms the recruitment process.

  • A successful journey requires a detailed road map: one firm's path to a strategic plan.

  • Getting qualitative survey feedback and responding to your reconnaissance.

  • Rules for rules.

  • The next big thing? Leadership.

  • What GCcs really want.