International Litigation

from September 2011
Last Number: January 2022

American Bar Association

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 42

June 01, 2012

  • Personal Jurisdiction and the New York Convention

  • Arbitrability of Intellectual-Property Disputes in China

  • Enjoining Parallel Proceedings in Foreign Jurisdictions

  • Written-Form Requirements and Modern Communication: Part 1

  • Long Window for Recognizing Foreign Judgments Invites Fraud

  • Constitutional Defenses Available to Foreign Instrumentalities

  • Judge Reflects on Past and Future on ICC's 10th Anniversary

  • Circuit Court Allows Discovery in International Arbitration

  • March 01, 2013

  • By Ship as By Rail: The Supreme Court's Ignored Protection of Jones Act Plaintiffs

  • Has U.S. Intellectual Property Law Reached Too Far?

  • Deterrents to Forum Selection Clause Challenges

  • The Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad: The Indian Experience

  • Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum: Closing the Door on Foreign Torts?

  • Dallas Bankruptcy Court Refuses to Recognize Mexican Corporate Reorganization Plan

  • September 01, 2013

  • Testing of Samples: A Tale of Two Approaches, Part I

  • Hinting at Hall Street

  • Evident Partiality' as a Challenge to Arbitral Awards

  • Enforcing Annulled Awards under the New York Convention, Part I

  • Kiobel and the Exclusion of Foreign Torts

  • Foreign Sovereign Immunity Waived Through ICSID

  • September 01, 2011

  • Limiting Extraterritoriality Beyond Securities Laws

  • Fixing the Way Multi-Arbitrator Tribunals Are Formed

  • U.K. Bribery Act: Assessing Risk, Implementing Procedures

  • Comparing Commercial and Investment Arbitration

  • Possible Setback for CMS Spread Ladder Swaps in Germany

  • Ninth Circuit Expands Jurisdiction over Foreign Companies


  • Antecedent Delegation Agreement Concerning a Non-Signatory to an Arbitration Agreement

  • Arbitrator Challenges: A Practical Guide

  • Circuit Court Split over International Arbitration Grows

  • Construction Disputes in the United Arab Emirates

  • Discovery Obligations vs. Data Transfer Restrictions

  • Environmentally Friendly Securities Litigation?

  • Fourth Circuit Finds No Agreement to Arbitrate in Digital Age Contract Formation

  • How Far Can an Arbitration Agreement Go in Waiving Court Review of an Award?

  • International Arbitration’s Use of Section 1782 Discovery

  • Pro Se Litigant Lacks Standing to Close LLC Final Business

  • Servotronics Goes to the Supreme Court

  • Singapore International Arbitration Centre Opens Office in New York

  • The Application of Uber v. Heller

  • Third Circuit Holds an Arbitration Award Was a Judicial Record and Must Be Unsealed

  • What Makes an Arbitration “International”?

  • When Propaganda and Torture Prevail Over Spiritual Practice and Religion