Argumentation and Advocacy

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from June 1992
Last Number: June 2019

Taylor & Francis Ltd.
ISSN 1051-1431

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 650

March 22, 2008

  • The dissociation of concepts in context: an analytic template for assessing its role in actual situations.

  • From Jew to Israelite: making "uncomfortarle communions" and The New Rhetoric's tools for invention.

  • Between education and propaganda: public controversy over presidential library design.

  • September 22, 2008

  • Introduction: David Zarefsky and reasonable argument.

  • The transcript of a continuing conversation: David Zarefsky and public address.

  • Forensics as scholarship: testing Zarefsky's bold hypothesis in a digital age.

  • Reading Zarefsky.

  • Media Argumentation: Dialectic, Persuasion, and Rhetoric.

  • A Rhetoric of Style.

  • The Biopolitics of Breast Cancer: Changing Cultures of Disease and Activism.

  • June 22, 2008

  • Murder in sophistopolis: paradox and probability in the First Tetralogy.

  • Argument quality in public deliberations.

  • Informal arguing: the likelihood of providing arguments, rebuttals, refutations, and evidence in an argumentative interaction.

  • Japanese argumentation: vocabulary and culture.

  • Beyond Moral Judgment.

  • Wired Shut: Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture.

  • Rhetorical Refusals: Defying Audiences' Expectations.

  • January 01, 2009

  • Latina/os and party politics in the California campaign against bilingual education: a case study in argument from transcendence.

  • The interacting arguments of risk communication in response to terrorist hoaxes.

  • Do superdiffusers argue differently? An analysis of argumentation style as a function of diffusion ability.

  • Deliberative Democracy for the Future: The Case of Nuclear Waste Management in Canada.

  • Pragmatism, Democracy, and the Necessity of Rhetoric.

  • March 22, 2009

  • Narrative history of the Wake Forest University biennial argumentation conference (and the "Venice Conference").

  • Argumentative ecology.

  • How should one respond to fallacious moves?

  • Ad hominem in disguise: strategic manoeuvring with direct personal attacks.

  • The National Counterterrorism Center's definitional shift for counting terrorism: use of loci communes and embedded value hierarchies.

  • Outward, Visible Propriety: Stoic Philosophy and Eighteenth-Century British Rhetorics.

  • June 22, 2009

  • Arguments in the 2008 presidential election.

  • "Yes we can": rhizomic rhetorical agency in hyper-modern campaign ecologies.

  • Minstrel politics or "he speaks too well:" rhetoric, race, and resistance in the 2008 presidential campaign.

  • A functional analysis of the 2008 vice presidential debate: Biden versus Palin.

  • Press, passion, and Portsmouth: narratives about "crying" on the campaign trail.

  • Confronting gender bias, finding a voice: Hillary Clinton and the New Hampshire crying incident.

  • September 22, 2009

  • Intercollegiate debate: reflecting American culture, 1900-1930.

  • The rational and the reasonable in the AIG bonus controversy.

  • A functional analysis of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

  • Cultures of argument and the democratic imaginary: notes from Bulgaria.

  • Community Literacy and the Rhetoric of Public Engagement.

  • Television Truths.

  • March 22, 2010

  • The treatment of fallacies in argumentative situations during mediation sessions.

  • Communication during interpersonal arguing: implications for stress symptoms.

  • On the role of topical potential in the concluding stage: a pragma-dialectical case study of Lysias I, on the death of Eratosthenes.

  • Do lay people prepare both sides of an argument? The effects of confidence, forewarning, and expected interaction on seeking out counter-attitudinal information.

  • Race and Reconciliation: Redressing Wounds of Injustice.

  • Toward a Civil Discourse: Rhetoric and Fundamentalism.

  • June 22, 2010

  • The debate authors working group model for collaborative knowledge production in forensics scholarship.

  • Before, after, during: Michael Chertoff's post-Katrina arguments.

  • Perceptions of debater effectiveness and appropriateness as a function of decreasingly polite strategies for responding to nonverbal disparagement in televised political debates.

  • Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender, Whiteness.