Argumentation and Advocacy

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from June 1992
Last Number: June 2019

Taylor & Francis Ltd.
ISSN 1051-1431

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 650

June 22, 2010

  • Apprehension and Argument: Ancient Theories of Starting Points for Knowledge.

  • September 22, 2010

  • Introduction to special issue: public argument/digital media.

  • "Leave a message of hope or tribute": digital memorializing as public deliberation.

  • Collective argumentative criticism in informal online discussion forums.

  • Democracy through the polarized lens of the camcorder: argumentation and vernacular spectacle on YouTube in the 2008 election.

  • The Arizona 9/11 Memorial: a case study in public dissent and argumentation through blogs.

  • January 01, 2011

  • The logos of the blogosphere: flooding the zone, invention, and attention in the Lott Imbroglio.

  • March 22, 2011

  • "The research says": definitions and uses of a key policy term in federal law and local school board deliberations.

  • When serial arguments predict harm: examining the influences of argument function, topic of the argument, perceived resolvability, and argumentativeness.

  • Political conversion as intrapersonal argument: self-dissociation in David Brock's Blinded by the Right.

  • Persuasive evidence in India: an investigation of the impact of evidence types and evidence quality.

  • January 01, 2010

  • On the ground with the great debates: Lincoln and Douglas come to Galesburg.

  • The little men behind the curtain: the committees, connectors, and carpenters who made the Lincoln-Douglas debates happen.

  • Do the Lincoln-Douglas debates really matter?

  • The debates remembered: the case of Galesburg.

  • The New Nativism: Proposition 187 and the Debate Over Immigration.

  • September 22, 2011

  • Populist argumentation in Bruce Springsteen's The Rising.

  • Information acquisition, perception, preference, and convergence by Gulf Coast residents in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina crisis.

  • A functional analysis of 2008 U.S. presidential primary debates.

  • And in the end ...: reflections on individual events forensic participation.

  • June 22, 2012

  • For what noble cause: Cindy Sheehan and the politics of grief in public spheres of argument.

  • Dialogic potential in the shadow of Canada's Indian Residential School System.

  • How do statistical and narrative evidence affect persuasion?: the role of evidentiary features.

  • Argument and evidence evaluation: a call for scholars to engage contemporary public debates.

  • March 22, 2013

  • Editors' introduction to the special issue.

  • Do presidential debates matter? Examining a decade of campaign debate effects.

  • Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republicans? Politeness theory in the 2012 Republican primary debates.

  • A functional analysis of 2012 U.S. presidential primary debates.

  • Developing a systematic assessment of humor in the context of the 2012 U.S. general election debates.

  • Tweeting during presidential debates: effect on candidate evaluations and debate attitudes.

  • September 22, 2013

  • Dick Gregory and activist style: identifying attributes of humor necessary for activist advocacy.

  • Issue ownership trends and tensions in 2008: Obama, the transformative Democrat?

  • How much jail time? Returning women to the abortion debate.

  • A call for polycultural arguments: critiquing the monoculture rhetoric of the local food movement.

  • March 22, 2014

  • Special issue editors' introduction.

  • Wishful, rational, and political thinking: the labor theory of value as rhetoric.

  • A critique of Jim Aune's rhetoric, legal argumentation, and historical materialism.

  • Aune's leadership: hegemony and the rhetorical perspective on argumentation.

  • Rethinking rhetorical ontology: an intersection between the work of James Arnt Aune and Bruno Latour in the field of rhetoric.

  • Rhetoric as a sociological problem.

  • "All you need to know": on intellectual life and moral responsibility.

  • Towards a rhetorical understanding of incitement: unfinished conversations with James Arnt Aune.

  • Torture as rhetoric.

  • "Forcing" and "consenting" social struggle: reflections on rhetoric and Jacobinism.

  • D'var mahloket.

  • James Arnt Aune, master rhetorician.

  • After the liberal autonomous subject: a lament.

  • Unrolling the scrolls: friendship as scholarship.

  • Works of James Arnt Aune.

  • June 22, 2015

  • Introduction to the special issue on 30 years of research on serial argument in interpersonal relationships.