Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ)

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1993
Last Number: December 2009

Association of Arab-American University Graduates
ISSN 0271-3519

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 562

June 22, 1995

  • Algeria, the Maghreb Union, and the Western Sahara stalemate.

  • State-society relations in Egypt: restructuring the political.

  • The financial implications of economic sanctions against Iraq.

  • Beyond Alliance: Israel in U.S. Foreign Policy.

  • U.S. Policy on Palestine from Wilson to Clinton.

  • The Superpowers and the Middle East: Regional and International Politics, 1955-1967.

  • Manufacturing and the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, 1500-1850.

  • January 01, 1996

  • The 'fundamentalist' agenda for human rights: the Sudan and Algeria.

  • Citizenship legislation in the Syrian Arab Republic.

  • Winner of the 1995 Ziad Asali award for most outstanding student research.

  • Stress and coping: the experience of students at the American University of Beirut during the Lebanese civil war.

  • December 22, 1996

  • Beyond the Basilica: Christians and Muslims in Nazareth.

  • Anxious for Armageddon.

  • The Clash with Distant Cultures. Values, Interest, and Force in American Foreign Policy.

  • Gender and National Identity: Women and Politics in Muslim Societies.

  • Portraits of Palestinian Women.

  • Allah Transcendent: Studies in the Structure and Semiotics of Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Cosmology.

  • March 22, 1996

  • The debate on Islam and secularism in Egypt.

  • Philosophical origins of the Arab Ba'th Party: the work of Zaki Al-Arsuzi.

  • State strength, permeability, and foreign policy behavior: Jordan in theoretical perspective.

  • The war generation and student elections at the American University of Beirut.

  • The Modern Middle East: From Imperialism to Freedom, 1800-1958.

  • Islamic Society in Practice.

  • Feminists, Islam and Nation: Gender and the Making of Modern Egypt.

  • The Press in the Arab Middle East: A History.

  • Crisis in the Arabian Gulf.

  • June 22, 1996

  • Zionism, socialism and United States support for the Jewish colonization of Palestine in the 1920s.

  • The politics of pardon: Israel and Jonathan Pollard.

  • Power in numbers: a call for a census of the Palestinian people.

  • Islamist perspectives of regime political response: the cases of Lebanon and Palestine.

  • Algerian Islamists' conception of democracy.

  • A Sense of Siege: The Geopolitics of Islam and the West.

  • Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World.

  • Meinertzhagen's Diary Ruse: False Entries on T.E. Lawrence.

  • The Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian History and Thought.

  • September 22, 1996

  • In remembrance: Rabbi Elmer Berger, 27 May 1908 - 6 October 1996.

  • A rentier state's response to oil crisis: economic reform policies in Libya.

  • Reconstructing Gender in the Middle East: Tradition, Identity and Power.

  • Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts about the U.S.-Israeli Relationship, 2d ed.

  • Night of the Litani.

  • January 01, 1997

  • Democratization in Egypt in the 1990s: stagnant, or merely stalled?

  • Theoretical issues in the Arab human rights movement.

  • A western question to the Middle East: 'Is there a human rights discourse in Islam?'

  • The external relations of the Arab human rights movement.

  • Civil society in the Arab world: historical traces, contemporary vestiges.

  • December 22, 1997

  • 'L'algerie en 1995 - La Guerre, l'histoire, la politique.'.

  • Islamic Identity and the Struggle for Justice.

  • March 22, 1997

  • The Arabs and the Axis: 1933-1940.

  • Islamic organizations in Egypt and the Iranian revolution of 1979: the experience of the first few years.

  • Wife abuse in Palestinian society: a social phenomenon or a social problem?