Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ)

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COPYRIGHT GALE, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved

from January 1993
Last Number: December 2009

Association of Arab-American University Graduates
ISSN 0271-3519

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 562

June 22, 2004

  • Masalha, Nur. The Politics of Denial: Israel and the Palestinian refugee Problem.

  • September 22, 2004

  • Introduction.

  • Ibrahim and Edward.

  • Ibrahim Abu-Lughod: the legacy of an activist scholar and teacher.

  • The Ida of a Palestine in the lives and works of Abu-Lughod and Said.

  • Edward W. Said (1935-2003).

  • Our philological home is the earth.

  • Prashad, Vijay. Namaste Sharon: Hindutava and Sharonism Under U.S. Hegemony.

  • AbuKhalil, As'ad. The Battle for Saudi Arabia: Royalty, Fundamentalism, and Global Power.

  • Baali, Fuad. Arab Unity and Disunity: Past and Present.

  • Rogers, Paul. A War on Terror: Afghanistan and After.

  • Schmidt, Garbi. Islam in Urban America: Sunni Muslims in Chicago.

  • ASQ books received 2003-2004.

  • December 22, 2005

  • In memoriam.

  • Origins and patterns in the discourse of new Arab cinema.

  • Political conditionality of economic relations between paternalist states: Turkey's interaction with Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

  • The Turkish model and democratization in the Middle East.

  • Understanding the attitudes of Arabs toward "America": the underutilization of class.

  • The impact of the sinking of the Titanic on the New York Syrian community of 1912: the Syrians respond.

  • Kashua, Sayed. Dancing Arabs.

  • June 22, 2005

  • The Muslim world and the West: the roots of conflict.

  • War and forced migration in Egypt: the experience of evacuation from the Suez Canal cities (1967-1976).

  • A tale of two regions: reproductive health in the Caribbean and the Gulf.

  • Full spectrum dominance.

  • September 22, 2005

  • "To flee from all languages": the gap between language and experience in the works of modern Arab poets.

  • Conflicting accounts on the fear of strangers: Muslim and Arab perceptions of Europeans in medieval geographical literature.

  • Internal violence: state's role and society's responses.

  • Ayalon, Ami. Reading Palestine: Printing and Literacy, 1900-1948.

  • Dhaouadi, Mahmoud. At-takhalluf al-Aakhar: 'Awlamat Azamat al-Hawiyyaat ath-Thaqaafiyya fil-Watan al-'Arabi wal-'Aalam ath-Thaaleth-Arabic (The Other Under-development: The Globalization of the Crisis of Cultural Identity in the Arab Homeland and the Third World).

  • Nassar, Jamal R. Globalization and Terror: The Migration of Dreams and Nightmares.

  • Ryan, Curtis R. Jordan in Transition: From Hussein to Abdullah.

  • Books received 2004-2005.

  • December 22, 2006

  • Petro-capitalism, petrofiction, and Islamic discourse: the formation of an imagined community in Cities of Salt.

  • The fascination of an Egyptian intellectual with Europe: Taha Husayn and France.

  • Environmental policies and spatial control: the case of the Arab localities development in Israel.

  • Joel S. Fetzer and J. Christopher Soper. Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany.

  • Norman G. Finkelstein, Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History.

  • January 01, 2006

  • Virginia Tilley. The One-State Solution: A Breakthrough for Peace in the Israeli Palestinian Deadlock.

  • Dietrich Jung. Ed. The Middle East and Palestine: Global Politics and Regional Conflict.

  • Laetitia Bucaille. Growing up Palestinian: Israeli Occupation and the Intifada Generation.

  • June 22, 2006

  • Production sharing agreements--mortgaging Iraq's oil wealth.

  • The accusations against the oil for food program: the Volcker reports.

  • The 2005 Iraqi elections and law: a positivist tale.

  • The "free" art of occupation: images for a "new" Iraq.

  • Imperial democratization: Rhetoric and reality.

  • Tareq Y. Ismael and Jacqueline Ismael. The Iraqi Predicament: People in the Quagmire of Power Politics.

  • Harbury, Jennifer K. Truth, Torture and the American Way: The History and Consequences of U.S. Involvement in Torture.

  • Lynch, Marc. Voices of the New Arab Public: Iraq, Al-Jazeera and Middle East Politics Today.

  • Natali, Denise. The Kurds and the State: Evolving National Identity in Iraq, Turkey, and Iran.

  • O'leary, Brendan, John McGarry, and Khaled Salih.