Antitrust Magazine Online

from August 2021
Last Number: June 2023

American Bar Association

Cantidad de documentos en esta fuente: 48

June 01, 2023

  • Enforcers' Roundtable

  • Interview with Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo, President, Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE)

  • Interview with Olha Pishchanska, Chair, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

  • Interview with Laura Melusine Baudenbacher, President, and Patrik Ducrey, Director of the Secretariat, Swiss Competition Commission

  • Merger Enforcement Considerations: Implications for Venture Capital Markets and Innovation

  • Accounting for the Employee-Employer Relationship in Antitrust Analysis

  • A Primer on the Economics of Intellectual Property Antitrust Claims

  • Antitrust v2.0-What Multinational Companies Should Know About China's Amended Anti-monopoly Law

  • The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: What Antitrust Lawyers Should Know About the New Instrument

  • April 01, 2022

  • The Potential Business Risks of Expanding New York's Antitrust Laws Under the 'Twenty-First Century Antitrust Act

  • The FTC's Fall 2021 Letter-Writing Campaign-Section 5(m)(1)(B) of the FTC Act and the Focus on Civil Penalties

  • Book Review: The Anatomy of Hub-and-Spoke Conspiracies

  • April 01, 2023

  • 21st Century Section 8 Enforcement: Legislative Origins and the 1990 Amendments

  • Private Equity and Competition-Comparing U.S. Agency Views to Recent Policy and Empirical Evidence

  • Interview with Lilla Csorgo, former Chief Economist with the Canadian, New Zealand and Hong Kong Competition Authorities and currently Chief Economist, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

  • August 01, 2021

  • Gender Diversity in Experts: A Reply to and Extension of Rafkin and Kuykendall

  • The No-Fault Approach to Monopolization: Terrific, Terrible, or Textualism?

  • Nascent Competition, Section 2, and the Agencies' Quixotic Quest to Avoid the Potential Competition Doctrine

  • The ICN: Using 20 Years of Network Effects to Look to the Future

  • August 01, 2022

  • Most-Favored Entry Clauses in Drug-Patent Litigation Settlements: Reverse Payments and Anticompetitive Effects

  • The Algorithmic Accountability Act: Potential Coverage Gaps in the Healthcare Sector

  • Off the Wagon: Rejecting Efforts to Write the Agreement Requirement Out of Section 1 in Liquor Regulation Preemption Cases

  • Book Review: Populism and Antitrust by Maciej Bernatt

  • December 01, 2021

  • Data Privacy Protection as a Procompetitive Justification

  • Dark Patterns or Savvy Marketing-Where is the FTC's Focus on Dark Patterns Taking Us?

  • FTC Takes Aim at Health Apps with Health Breach Notification Rule Policy Statement

  • EDM: Merger Specificity or Alternative Reality?

  • February 01, 2022

  • China's Merger Control of Non-Horizontal Transactions: The Growing Role of Economic Analyses and Behavioral Remedies

  • The SPRB Coal Cases, Market Definition, and Analytical Durability

  • Paper Trail: Recent Scholarship on Common Ownership

  • February 01, 2023

  • If You Build It, They Will Come: Building an Efficiencies Case

  • Towards An Evidence Based Framework for Enforcement of Vertical Mergers

  • Paper Trail: Mergers, Efficiencies, Entry, and Market Power

  • June 01, 2022

  • Enforcers' Roundtable

  • Interview with Brenda Hernandez, Acting Chair Commissioner of Mexico's COFECE

  • Interview with Cani Fernandez, Chairwoman of Spain's National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC)

  • Interview with Ioannis Lianos, President of Greece's Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC)

  • Interview with Rahat Hassan, Chairperson of the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP)

  • Workers, Wages, and Mergers: A Back-to-Basics Guide

  • Book Review: An Alternative Labor-Oriented Merger Policy

  • October 01, 2021

  • Can the FTC Turn Back the Clock?

  • Platform Players Bracing for Tighter Antitrust Scrutiny in China

  • The Other Side of the Coin: Complementarity in Mergers of Multiproduct Firms

  • Handling Competitively Sensitive Information in a Vertically Integrated Firm: Practical Antitrust Advice for In-House Counsel

  • Paper Trail: Recent Scholarship on Future Directions for Antitrust Analysis and Enforcement

  • October 01, 2022

  • Buzzing About Rule 23: Bumble Bee and the Predominance Inquiry in Antitrust Cases

  • Round One: Canada Takes a Big Swing at its Competition Act, With More To Come

  • Book Review: The Price of Efficiency